





Measure for Measure 一報還一報;以牙還牙;量罪記;針鋒相對地;abatement measure 清除措施;abatement measure 清除措施;dispersion measure 頻散量度;分散性測度;aftercare measure 更生保護處分;


1.In the measure of power system and its protection, current transformer and measure appliance cooperation can measure system's current and electricity. 在電力系統的測量和保護中,電流互感器與測量儀表配合可對系統的電流、電能進行測量;

2.But we will not boast beyond our measure, but within the measure of the sphere which God apportioned to us as a measure, to reach even as far as you. 我們不願意分外誇口,只要照神所量給我們的界限,構到你們那裡。

3.If a measure plus an eighth note in the previous measure is highlighted, it can now be drag-pasted to all possible beats of an empty measure. 如果一個加上第八在前一措施中音符措施被強調,現在它能阻力向所有的一個空虛措施的可能節拍被粘貼。

4.Based on the axiomatization definitions of subsethood measure and similarity measure, similarity measuer induced by subsethood measure is discussed, and some real induced formulas are given. 依據包含度和貼近度的公理化定義,討論了由包含度誘導的貼近度,給出了一些具體的誘導公式。

5.In the measure of power system and its protection, current transformer and measure appliance cooperation can measure system's current and electricity. 在電力系統的測量和保護中,電流互感器與測量儀表配合可對系統的電流、電能進行測量;


Will you please measure this window to see how wide it is? - 請您測量這扇窗戶看它有多寬?

Feed by measure and defy physician. - 飲食有節制,醫生無用處。

This time, he managed to climb into the mouth of Kituro so that he could take photographs and measure temperatures. - 這次他設法爬進了基圖羅火山口,以便能拍攝照片和測試溫度。

Though it may be possible to measure the value of material good in terms of money, - 雖然物質產品的價值可以用金錢來衡量,

Then see which plants grow higher, measure them with a ruler and write down your results. - 過後看看哪種西紅柿長得比較高,用尺子量量並記錄下你的實驗結果。

You can trust us, sir. Let me measure you, sir, for some suits and some shirts too. - 先生,您可以相信我們。先生,我來給您量一量套裝的尺寸,還有襯衣……。好,請您來看看這些料子。我想您會認為這些料子好得多,更合適得多。


measure analysis; volumetric analysis; volumetry - 容量分析

measure error; measuring error - 測量誤差

measure gauge - 量尺


n.空白測量 - blank measure

n.毛細管阻搞測定器 - capillary resistance measure

n.手指展開測量儀 - finger spread measure

n.皮片測量器 - graft measure

n.衛生保健措施 - health care measure

n.衛生措施 - hygienic measure

n.信息測度 - information measure

n.淨重 - net measure

n.預防措施,預防性措施 - preventive measure

耐刀強度檢測 - resistance strengthening measure

n.衛生措施 - sanitary measure

n.衛生技術措施 - sanitary technical measure

n.標準量,法定測量 - standard measure

n.帶尺 - tape measure

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