yair[jeə]adv. (澳)(等於yeah)
Yair Landau 耶爾·蘭鐸;Yair Reiner 分析師耶爾·瑞內爾;Yair Mundlak 蒙德拉克;Elazar Ben-Yair 領袖愛力阿沙爾;The thinlof yair love 激動的愛;
1.Mike was sad when they took his favorite program off the yair. 當邁克喜歡的節目被取消時,他感到很傷心。
2.Study co-author Yair Lotan, an assistant professor of urology, acknowledges that the study is based on estimates that may change. 研究的發起人之一、泌尿學助理教授耶爾·洛坦承認該研究基於可能發生的氣候變化的估計資料。
3.The improvement was already apparent within a week of the stroke, study author Yair Lampl, M. D. , Edith Wolfson Medical Center and Tel Aviv University in Israel was quoted as saying. 該研究發起人、以色列特拉維夫大學的耶爾·蘭普爾博士指出,利用二甲胺四環素進行治療,中風後一周內就已經有了明顯的好轉。