a. boney ,emaciated ,osseous ,osteal
a. boneless
bony['bəuni]adj. 骨的;多骨的;瘦骨嶙峋的;似骨的
bony 骨的;多骨的;骨質的;瘦的;bony plate 骨板;釋義:骨板;bony cell 骨細胞;bony ankylosis 骨性強直;骨性關節強直;骨質性關節強硬;釋義:骨性關節強硬;bony labryrinth 骨迷路;
1.We knew that any sediments preserving footprints might also contain bony remnants of the track makers. 我們認為,沉積層若保存了恐龍腳印,很可能也保有足跡製造者的骨骸。
2.Then the street door opened all the way, and a pale, bony woman dressed in mourning looked out at us from another life. 臨街的大門完全打開了,一個蒼白的,身著喪服的瘦骨嶙峋的婦人向外看著我們----從她的天地裡。
3.A hard bony or chitinous outer covering, such as the fused dorsal plates of a turtle or the portion of the exoskeleton covering the head and thorax of a crustacean. 硬殼,背甲,頭胸甲一種硬骨質或甲殼質外部覆蓋物,如海龜融為一體的背部板形器官,或甲殼綱動物覆蓋頭胸部的外骨骼部分。
It is more important to be healthy than bony slim. - 健康永遠比皮包骨頭好。
bony part of audtory tube; pars ossea tubae auditivae - 咽鼓管骨部
ampula ossea lateralis; lateral bony ampulla - 外骨壺腹
bony nodule - 核骨
decompose to bony skeleton - 白骨化
bony union - 骨質連接
bony union - 骨連結
bony labyrinths; labyrinthus osseus; osseous labyrinth - 骨迷路
bony landmark - 骨骼標誌
bony pelvis - 骨產道
abnormity of bony pelvis - 骨產道異常
bony spur - 骨刺
bony shell - 骨包殼
bony semicircular canals; canales semicirculares ossei - 骨半規管
bony semicircular canals; canales semicirculares ossei - 骨性半規管
bony aural atresia - 骨性耳道閉鎖
bony septum of nose; septum nasi osseum - 骨性鼻中隔
bony nasal cavity; cavum nasi osseum - 骨性鼻腔
bone crepitation; bony crepitus - 骨摩擦音
bony crepitus - 骨擦音
bony palate; palatum osseum - 骨顎
bony spiral lamina; lamina spiralis ossea - 骨螺旋板
border of bony spiral lamina; limbus laminae spiralis osseae - 骨螺旋板緣
bony defect - 骨質缺損
bony nasal septum; septum nasi osseum - 骨鼻中膈
n.骨產道異常 - abnormity of bony pelvis
n.骨螺旋板緣 - border of bony spiral lamina
n.白骨化 - decompose to bony skeleton
n.外骨壺腹 - lateral bony ampulla