dreamier['dri:mi]adj.dreamy的變形adj. 如夢的,夢一樣的,夢幻般的;模糊的,朦朧(不清)的;(神情)恍惚的好夢想的,愛空想的,好(或耽於)幻想的,喜做白日夢的;不切實際的,不現實的(曲調等)柔和怡神的,心曠神怡的,引起夢幻感覺的;安謐悅耳的;輕鬆的,柔和的,輕柔的;寧靜的;安慰的,慰藉的,撫慰的夢的;多夢的;有夢的;引起做夢的;出神的,沉思的[口語、俚語]理想的,吸引人的,無與倫比的,妙不可言的,奇妙的,非常漂亮的,極好的,精彩的,頂呱呱的[一般讚許詞]變形: dreamier , dreamiest
1."It has a strong visual impact, " Tian said. "But they were supposed to be members of the rich class. Why would they drive around in those cars instead of a dreamier BMW or Mercedes-Benz? 「這段情節給人視覺衝擊很大,」田百靈說,「但是仔細一想又覺得蹊蹺:他們都是上流社會的公子哥,放著寶馬、奔馳不張,為什麼非選銘爵呢?」
2."It has a strong visual impact, " Tian said. "But they were supposed to be members of the rich class. Why would they drive around in those cars instead of a dreamier BMW or Mercedes-Benz? 「這段情節給人視覺衝擊很大,」田百靈說,「但是仔細一想又覺得蹊蹺:他們都是上流社會的公子哥,放著寶馬、奔馳不開,為什麼非選名爵呢?」