r. all the same ,even so ,nevertheless ,nonetheless
however[hau'evə]adv. 無論如何;不管怎樣conj. 然而;可是
however 但是;奈何;無論如何, 可是, 仍然, 究竟;無論如何;however worded 不論如何措詞;However serious 不過說真的;however described 不論實際稱謂如何;This however 寵物領寄養|轉讓;
1.At first he insisted on the accuracy of his account, however, he agreed with what I said. 一開始他堅持他的說法準確,可他還是同意了我的論點。
2.However, such a seduction is not love. 然而,這樣一種誘惑並不是愛。
3.However, I still only forever love you. 無論如何,我仍舊只永遠愛你。
Judges, however wise or eminent, are human and can make mistakes. - 法官無論如何聰明與有名,畢竟也是人,也會出差錯的。
Marine Studio biologists have pointed out that, however intelligent they may be, it is probably a mistake to credit dolphins with any motive of lifesaving. - 海洋攝影室的生物學家指出,無論海豚多麼聰明,認為它們有救人的動機可能是錯誤的。
and however well society, and our doctors, look after us. - 不管社會和醫生怎樣對我們進行精心照顧,
Most of them were able to climb out in time. However four men were not quick enough to escape the flames. - 大部分工人能夠及時逃生。可是有4個工人來不及逃離火場。
So, celebrate your success, and invite your parents to celebrate with you, however hard it may be for them. If you continue to be excited about your future, you may come to educate your parents in the same way. - 因此,慶賀你的成功,並且邀請你的父母跟你一慶賀,儘管這樣做會讓他們感到難以接受。如果你還在為自己的未來而感到激動的話,你可以慢慢用同樣的辦法說服你的父母。