kbeabbr. 第二等的高級英帝國勳爵士(Knight Commander of the Order of theBritish Empire);鍵盤編碼器(Keyboard Encoder);鍵盤輸入(Keyboard Entry)
KBE 知識工程;爵級司令勳章;基於知識的工程;基於知識工程;KBE - 鍵盤編碼器;第二等的高級英帝國勳爵士;KBE KnowledgeBasedDecisionSupportSystem 依靠知識的決策支持系統;KBE Knowledge-Based Economy 知識經濟;KBE Knight Commander of the Order of theBritish Empire 第二等的高級英帝國勳爵士 KBE的意思相關詞組;
1.Answer (A): The KBE represents a strategic new era that human beings are entering. 答:「知識經濟」代表了人類正在和即將進入的一個全新戰略發展時代。
2.It needs to be emphasized that KBE is nothing far removed from ordinary people and life. 要強調的的是,「知識經濟」絕非什麼高深莫測的特殊體系。
3.The KBE concept results from the recognition by OECD of the new leading role of knowledge, information, and technology in economic growth. 經濟合作與發展組織提出「知識經濟」的概念,旨在幫助確認知識、資訊和科技在經濟發展中所起到的嶄新領導作用。