lepton['leptɔn]n. 輕粒子(希臘的貨幣單位,古希臘的最小硬幣)
lepton 輕子;輕粒子;微子;古希臘的最小硬幣;tau lepton 輕子;LEPTON CARVEL 超輕碳素;scalar lepton 純量輕子;lepton conservation 輕子守恆;
1.Lk. 12:59 I tell you, You shall by no means come out from there until you have paid the very last lepton. 路十二59我告訴你,非到你還清最後一分錢,你絕不能從那裡出來。
2.If the quark is one of the heavier, unstable types, it quickly transforms itself back into an ordinary quark , a process that often produces an additional lepton. 如果另一種夸克是較重的夸克(這是不穩定的),它會很快地自發轉化為普通的夸克,這是一個經常產生出另一個輕子的過程。
3.We show that measuring the polarization of hyperon in the lepton induced reactions is an ideal way to study the spin transfer in high energy hadronization processes. 指出在輕子誘發反應中測量產生超子的極化是研究高能強子化過程自旋轉移的理想途徑。