mother-shipn. 航空母艦;母艦
mother-ship 航空母艦;mother-ship with fishing dory 母子式漁船;
1.catcher vessel A fishing vessel that delivers its catch to a mother ship, to shore plants or to catcher-processors. 捕撈船一種漁船,必須將其漁獲送往母船,岸上廠房或是其他的加工程序。
2.At that point, explosive charges cut the cables, and the mother ship powers off to crash-land a few hundred meters away. 在這個時候,會以爆炸來切斷纜線,母船會關閉動力並且墜毀在幾百公尺外的地面。
3.As much as they'd like to grow here in China and they're putting resources here in China. No. 1 job is to save the mother-ship, that is, save the operations in America. 假如他們確實很想在中國成長並在中國投入資源,首要問題是節省母公司的開支,即節省在美國的運營支出。