quotient['kwəuʃənt]n. [數]商;係數;份額
quotient 商式;商數;份額;係數;diametral quotient 直徑係數;蝸桿直徑係數;蝸桿直徑係數,直徑係數;caloric quotient 熱能係數;熱量商數;quotient set 商集;商集,商集合;differential quotient 導數,微商;微分係數;微商;微分商(數學);
1.He got a small quotient of his fathers property. 他得到了他父親財產的一小部分。
2.You can ask yourself the following questions to measure your anger quotient. 你可以問自己如下幾個問題來判斷發怒的程度。
3.The register used to contain a multiplier in multiplication and the quotient in division. 在乘法運算中存放乘數,在除法運算中存放商的一種寄存器。
n.成績商數,能力商數 - achievement quotient
n.白蛋白商 - albumin quotient
同化率 - assimilatory quotient
n.熱量商數 - caloric quotient
n.腦呼吸商 - cerebral respiratory quotient
燃燒係數 - combustion quotient
n.濃度商 - concentration quotient
n.受孕率 - conceptual quotient
n.癡呆指數 - deterioration quotient
n.發育商數 - developmental quotient
n.差商 - difference quotient
n.不適感減輕指數 - discomfort relief quotient
教育商數 - educational quotient
生長商數,生長係數 - growth quotient
n.智力商數,智商 - intelligence quotient
成熟指數 - maturation quotient
n.心理商數 - mental quotient
n.邁耶霍夫氧化係數 - meyerhof oxidation quotient
n.非蛋白呼吸商 - non-protein respiratory quotient
n.非蛋白呼吸商 - nonprotein respiratory quotient
n.滲透商 - osmotic quotient
氧化商數,氧化係數 - oxidation quotient
n.氧商,氧吸收入 - oxygen quotient
n.滲透商數 - permeability quotient
n.語聲商數 - phonation quotient
n.光合商 - photosynthetic quotient
血漿蛋白商 - plasma protein quotient
閱讀指數 - reading quotient
n.復原商,恢復商 - recovery quotient
n.呼吸商 - respiratory quotient
社會成熟係數 - social maturity quotient
n.通氣-灌注商數 - ventilation-perfusion quotient