superimposingv. 迭加,疊加(superimpose的現在分詞);迭合
superimposing 迭合;迭加;疊加;合影片;superimposing method 釋義:[相片]重疊法(屍體鑒定);phrenological superimposing method 顱相重合法;superimposing multiple discharge 複數放電重疊;adapter for superimposing expositive writing 字幕添加器;
1.Superimposing of parts forms a laminate which increases the rigidity and solidity of the panel. 重疊的部分形成了一個薄板增加面板的硬度和堅固度。
2.We are interested in superimposing the effects of all the elements in order to form the system matrices for the whole body. 為了形成整個物體的系統矩陣,我們需要將所有元素的效應疊加起來。
3.Sun Zhongshi. Deng Jun. Zhai Yusheng. Feng Benzhi Dynamic system collision, superimposing and gold deposit forming in Jiapigou fault belt, Jilin province 2001(2 孫忠實。馮本智。鄧軍。翟裕生吉林夾皮溝斷裂帶動力系統碰撞、疊加及金礦床形成[期刊論文]-地質科學2001(2。