VLCCabbr. 巨型油船(very large crude carrier,等於v.l.c.c.)
VLCC 巨型原油輪;超級油輪;Very Large Crude Oil Carrier;超大型油輪;single hull VLCC 某單殼超大型油船;VLCC VERY LARGE CRUDE CARRIER 大型油輪;大型油輪 ..;VLCC Very large crude oil carriers 甚大型油輪;甚大;VLCC VERY LARGE CRUDE OIL CARRIER 巨型油輪;
1.The demand of VLCC is very large and increases urgently. 世界油運市場對超大型油船(VLCC)的需求非常迫切。
2.Service on shipboard as an Engineer for near 10 years, most of ship types are large product oil tanker and VLCC. 從實習生做到輪機長近十年船舶輪機工作經驗,主要船型為大型成品油輪和超大型原油船。
3.Common Structural Rules for Double Hull Oil Tankers (CSR) have general and systemic influences on the structural design of VLCC. 油船結構共同規範(CSR)對VLCC結構設計的影響是全面和系統的。