waterhousen. 沃特豪斯(意大利畫家)
TD Waterhouse 宏達理財;宏達理財公司;水屋中心體育館;宏達證券;Alfred Waterhouse 阿爾弗雷德·沃特豪斯;Jack Waterhouse 沃特豪斯;Waterhouse diaphragm 沃特豪斯光圈;插片式光圈;Andrew Waterhouse 特豪斯;
1.In the European and American developed country, the clear waterhouse completely is eliminated. 在歐美發達國家,清水房則完全被淘汰。
2.The Price-Waterhouse decision suggests that such discrimination based on cultural sex stereotypes may be illegal, and is certainly counter to maximum employee productivity. 價格水門調查認為:如此的基於千篇一律的性別習慣所採取的歧視政策,可能是非法的,這當然與大多數員工的生產效率背道而馳。
3.Waterhouse told us that phenolic compounds are found in all plant products, and that the plants "probably make them as protective agents and for improving their success at reproduction." 瓦特豪斯告訴我們說,酚醛聚合物存在於所有的植物性食品中,這些植物可能會成為一種保護劑,並在再加工過程中仍舊保持原來的藥性。