bookselling['buk,seliŋ]n. 書籍販賣
bookselling 書籍販賣;bibliopoly bookselling 書籍販賣;
1."Then, " said he, "When there, you may make acquaintance and establish correspondences in the bookselling and stationery line. 他說:「倘使這樣,你可以和一些書商,和他們來往,且作為文具書籍的推銷處。」
2.PPR's hubris in dashing into a sector so removed from its own world of timber trading, cheap furniture, bookselling, consumer credit and African car dealerships has stretched credulity. 巴黎春天本來經營木材交易、廉價傢俱、圖書銷售、消費信貸和非洲汽車經紀業務,和奢侈品業風馬牛不相及,卻冒然進入,此舉讓外界頗生疑慮。收購古奇的過程拖了很久。
3.In a study with important implications for cultural and economic history, Cynthia Brokaw describes rural, lower-level publishing and bookselling operations at the end of the imperial period. 包筠雅在帶有重要的文化史和經濟史內含的研究中,描述了帝制末期鄉間較低水準的書籍印刷與書籍銷售的運作。