cognac['kɔnjæk]n. 法國白蘭地
cognac 法國白蘭地;干邑白蘭地酒;干邑;白蘭地;Cognac region 干邑區;PREMIUM COGNAC 特級干邑白蘭地;Cognac brandy 干邑白蘭地;其中以干邑拔蘭地;有人又將;以康涅克白蘭地;cognac oil 葡萄渣油〔由葡萄渣蒸汽蒸餾而得的芳香油;葡萄渣油;水芹酸乙酯;
1.He drew some cognac from the cask into a tin cannikin. 他從酒桶裡倒了一些白蘭地到一隻小錫杯裡。
2.This would prevent a disaster, in case Cognac decided to go for a swim in the spring, basket and all, instead of delivering it to Brad as we'd planned. 這是為了防患於未然,萬一科格納克決定帶著籃子和戒指一起跳進泉水游個泳,而不是按我們的計劃把籃子給布拉德。
3.Denying Kim what he craves, the theory goes, might prompt better behavior from a dictator who reportedly spends nearly a million dollars a year on rare cognac. 理論上,拒給金正日渴求的精品,可能可以逼使這位據瞭解每年花近百萬美元在極品干邑上的獨裁者不再為所欲為。