iso-amylene iso-pentene 異戊烯;iso-amylene iso-pentene 異戊烯;iso-decanol iso-decyl alcohol 異癸醇;chloro-iso-octane iso-octanechloride 氯代異辛烷;chloro-iso-octane iso-octanechloride 氯代異辛烷;
1.Iso-amyl acetate was synthesized with ammonium ceric sulfate as catalyst using partially neutralized acetic acid and iso-amyl alcohol. 以硫酸鈰銨為催化劑,乙酸和異戊醇為原料,合成乙酸異戊酯。
2.With solid sulfanilic acid as catalyst we can synthesize iso-amyl acetate from acetic acid and iso-amyl alcohol. 用固體酸對氨基苯磺酸作催化劑,以異戊醇和冰乙酸直接酯化合成乙酸異戊酯。
3.ISO works in accordance with an agreed set of rules of procedure, the ISO/IEC Directives, which also include requirements on the presentation of standards. 國際標準化組織按照一系列協商一致的程序規則進行工作的,其中包括ISO/IEC指令有關提出各種標準的各項要求。
4.The conversion of n-decane increased with temperature rising, while the selectivity of iso-decane decreased and the yield of iso-decane went through a maximum. 反應溫度升高,正癸烷轉化率增加,異構選擇性降低,異構癸烷收率先增加後降低,出現一峰值。
5.By using ethyl cyanoacetate and iso-octanol as raw materials, iso-octyl cyanoacetate was synthesised through interesterification by tetrabutyl titanate as catalyst. 以氰乙酸乙酯和異辛醇為原料,採用鈦酸四丁酯為催化劑,用酯交換法合成氰乙酸異辛酯。