upiabbr. 合眾國際社(United Press International)
UPI University Personality Inventory;United Press International;大學生人格問卷;合眾社;uPI Semiconductor 力智電子;UPI UserProgrammingLanguage 用戶編程語言;UPI UPDaTe 更新;User Payload Identifier UPI 客戶淨荷標識符;
1.As good as the results are with marathon and raltegrair, Steigbigel told UPI, 'We still need to be developing more drugs. 和麥洛韋克和瑞特洛韋的結果一樣,斯坦貝格對合眾國際社的記者說,「我們仍需開發更多的藥物。
2.'In many anti-aging clinics, growth hormone is prescribed willy-nilly off-label, without any proof that patients are better off, ' he told UPI. 他告訴合眾社記者,「在很多抗衰老臨床應用中,開生長激素的處方時,不管願不願意都除去標籤,對於病人沒有任何的保證」。
3.JACKSONILLE, FL, United States (UPI) -- U. S. medical scientists hae moved closer to deeloping a test for urinary bladder cancer and for monitoring patients after treatment. 佛羅里達傑克遜維爾美國合眾國際社(UPI)-在泌尿系膀胱癌診斷和治療後患者的監測方面,美國醫學家距離一種新的檢測方法越來越近了。