





valve[vælv]n. [機]閥;[解]瓣膜;[電子]真空管;[機]活門vt. 裝閥於;以活門調節


valve 閥門;閥門==滑老;電子管;汽門嘴;check valve 止回閥;單向閥;逆止閥;止回閥,單向閥;plunger valve 柱塞式閥;活塞式閥;柱塞閥;釋義:柱塞閥;flapper valve 片狀閥;鉸鏈閥;旋啟式止回閥;瓣閥;changeover valve 多向閥;切換閥;旋轉閥;變位閥;


1.Replace the cylinder outlet seal and valve cap. 替換鋼瓶排氣口密封和閥門帽。

2.Open vent needle valve and bleed air from hose. Then close vent valve. 開啟排氣針形閥,並從軟管排放空氣。然後關閉排氣閥。

3.Adding air pressure within the annular space between the body and the sleeve can open, throttle, or close the valve. 在閥體和套管的環形空間內施加氣壓,就能夠實現開啟、節流或關閉閥門的功能。


valve of inferior vena cava; valvulae venae cavae inferioris - 下腔靜脈瓣

aorta valve knife - 主動脈瓣刀

aorta valve dilator - 主動脈瓣擴張器

mitral valve repair; repair of mitral insufficiency - 二尖瓣修補術

mitral valve echogram - 二尖瓣回波圖

mitral valve dilator - 二尖瓣瓣膜擴張器

mitral valve replacement - 二尖瓣置換

mitral valve prolapse; prolapse of mitral valve - 二尖瓣脫垂

barlows syndrome; mitral valve prolapse syndrome - 二尖瓣脫垂綜合征

mitral valve repair; repair of mitral insufficiency崑 - 二尖瓣閉鎖不全修補術

valve of communicating branch - 交通支瓣膜

heart valve prosthesis - 人工心臟瓣膜

prosthetic valve replacement - 人工瓣膜替換術

artificial valve replacement - 人工瓣膜置換

prosthetic valve endocarditis - 人工瓣膜置換後心內膜炎

congenital valve formation of ure hm - 先天性尿道瓣膜形成

thebesian valve; valve of coronary sinus; valvula sinus coronarii - 冠狀竇瓣

semilunar valve closure - 半月瓣關閉

valve of foramen - 卵圓孔瓣

ileocecal valve syndrome - 回盲反瓣綜合征

valve formation of urethra - 尿道瓣膜形成

auricular ball valve thrombus - 心房球瓣樣血栓

cardiac valve replacement - 心臟瓣膜替換術

cardiac valve replacement with bovine pericardium - 心臟瓣膜用牛心包替換術

cardiac valve replacement with bovine meninges - 心臟瓣膜用牛腦膜替換術

mechanical valve prosthesis - 機械瓣膜

floppy mitral valve syndrome - 鬆弛性二尖瓣綜合征

floppy valve syndrome - 鬆軟瓣膜綜合征

valve made of cattle pericardium - 牛心包瓣

stenosis of valve oritice - 瓣口狹窄

valve commissure - 瓣膜交界

valve scissors - 瓣膜剪

valve area; valvular area - 瓣膜區

valve orifice; valvular orifice - 瓣膜口

auscultatory valve areas - 瓣膜聽診區

valve leaflet - 瓣膜小葉

valve replacement - 瓣膜替換術

valve replacement - 瓣膜置換

valve test - 瓣膜試驗

vacuum tube voltmeter; valve voltmeter - 電子管伏特計

valve electrocardiograph - 電子管式心電描記器

separation of bicuspid valve under direct vision - 直視下二尖瓣分離術

valva ileocecalis; valve of colon; valvla coliileocecal valve - 結腸瓣

valve of navicular fossa; valvula fossae navicularis - 舟狀窩瓣

sample valve septum - 進樣閥隔片

valve position swithch - 閥定位開關

valve injection - 閥注射


肛門瓣 - anal valve

n.角閥 - angle valve

n.前半月瓣 - anterior semilunar valve

前尿道瓣 - anterior urethral valve

n.防竇息活門 - anti-suffocation valve

n.主動脈瓣擴張器 - aorta valve dilator

n.主動脈瓣刀 - aorta valve knife

n.主動脈瓣 - aortic valve

不動脈並閉鎖不全症 - aortic valve insufficiency

主動脈瓣替換術 - aortic valve replacement

n.帶瓣膜人造血管 - artificial blood vessel with valve

人工心瓣膜 - artificial heart valve

n.人工二尖瓣 - artificial mitral valve

n.人工瓣膜 - artificial valve

人工並性心內膜炎 - artificial valve endocarditis

n.人工瓣膜置換 - artificial valve replacement

n.主動脈瓣閉鎖 - atresis of aortic valve

n.房室瓣 - atrio-ventricular valve

房室瓣 - atrioventricular valve

n.心房球瓣樣血栓 - auricular ball valve thrombus

n.三尖瓣聽診區 - auscultatory area of tricupsid valve

n.瓣膜聽診區 - auscultatory valve areas

n.自動氧氣安全閥 - automatic oxygen safety valve

n.球型瓣膜 - ball-type valve

n.球瓣,球形瓣膜 - ball valve

n.瓣膜基底部 - base of valve

n.鮑安氏瓣 - bauhins valve

n.二尖瓣 - bicuspid valve

n.人工生物瓣膜 - bioprosthesis valve

n.球形人工瓣膜 - caged-ball prosthetic cardiac valve

n.心瓣膜 - cardiac valve

n.心臟瓣膜替換術 - cardiac valve replacement

n.心臟瓣膜用牛腦膜替換術 - cardiac valve replacement with bovine meninges

n.心臟瓣膜用牛心包替換術 - cardiac valve replacement with bovine pericardium

單向閥,防逆閥 - check valve

n.先天性肺動脈瓣狹窄 - congenital stenosis of pulmonary valve

n.先天性尿道瓣膜形成 - congenital valve formation of ure hm

調節閥 - control valve

n.兩葉性主動脈瓣 - cuspid aortic valve

n.盤形瓣膜 - discoidal valve

背瓣 - dorsal valve

n.三尖瓣低位 - downward displace ment of tricuspid valve

n.安全閥,傾洩閥 - dump valve

n.雙球止逆閥 - dual ball check valve

n.試樣流出閥 - effluent sample valve

n.靜電計電子管 - electrometer valve

n.氧氣快速開關 - emergency oxygen valve

下腔靜脈瓣 - eustachian valve

呼氣閥 - exhalation valve

n.膨脹安全閥 - expansion relief valve


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