





biteable[bait]adj.bite的變形vt. 咬;咬疼;咬傷;咬斷: 例句:The lion bit his trainer.獅子咬傷其馴獸者。The cat bit me.貓咬我。Stop biting your lip!別咬嘴唇啦!to bite the apple greedily貪婪地咬蘋果咬住,咬緊;抓住,攫取(on): 例句:Jack bit hard on the stick while the doctors removed the bullet from his arm.當醫生從傑克手臂取出子彈時他緊緊咬住那根棍子。to bite the rope咬住繩索(蚊蟲等)叮,刺,螯: 例句:A mosquito just bit me.蚊子剛叮我。咬出,咬成: 例句:to bite a hole in someones's pants在某人的褲子上咬了一個洞The dog bit me on the leg.那條狗咬了我的腿。咬掉,咬下(off): 例句:to bite off a piece of meat咬掉一塊肉to bite a piece off咬掉一塊to bite off a large piece of the candy bar咬掉一大口長條狀糖Don't bite your nails!別咬掉指甲!咬了一口;開始吃(into): 例句:to bite into one's steak開始吃牛排to bite into the piece of cake咬一口蛋糕(利器等)刺進,刺穿: 例句:The Sword split the Knight's helmet and bit him fatally.劍劈開了騎士的頭盔並致命地刺進他。(寒風等)刺骨,使感到刺痛,刺痛,刺傷;(嚴寒)凍傷,凍疼,凍壞: 例句:an icy wind that bit my face刺痛我臉的寒風faces bitten by the icy wind被寒風刺痛的臉(辣椒,胡椒等)刺激,辣(鼻): 例句:The pepper bit my tongue.辣椒辣得我舌頭發麻。(酸等)腐蝕;侵蝕: 例句:Acid bites metal.酸腐蝕金屬。【蝕刻】(用酸類)蝕刻(銅板等) 例句:to bite a plate蝕刻版子(齒輪,螺絲,鉗子,錨等)咬住,夾住,緊抓住;固定住: 例句:to use a clamp to bite the wood while the glue dries膠水變干之前用夾鉗夾住木頭Studded tyres that bite the road緊咬住道路不打滑的裝有防滑釘的輪胎(強烈的興趣、慾望等)纏住,迷住;緊緊攫住[常用於被動語態]: 例句:be bitten by a last for power權迷心竅欺騙,哄騙,詐騙,使上當,利用[僅用於被動語態]: 例句:to get bitten in a mail-order swindle在一個郵購騙局中受騙[口語]使煩惱;使憤怒: 例句:What's biting you?你在為什麼事煩惱?[美國俚語]向…借錢[澳大利亞,新西蘭俚語]騙取;乞討到[古語]影響;給…留下深刻印象[美國俚語]剽竊;模仿;偷學: 例句:If you bite others too often, you'll get a bad reputation.如果你老剽竊別人成果,你會敗壞名聲的。(無可奈何地)執行(一項困難或痛苦的行動)vi. 咬;叮;啃;啄(into,at): 例句:The cat bit into my arm.貓咬我手臂。The parrot bit.那只鸚鵡啄人。有咬(或叮)的習性,(狗等)愛咬人: 例句:Be careful,that dog bites.當心,那條狗會咬人。刺痛;咬痛;產生刺痛感,具有辛辣味,有刺舌的味道;有刺激性(螺絲、錨等的)咬住物體,咬緊;攫住;釘牢: 例句:The car wheels bit into the snow.汽車車輪在雪地上緊緊咬住不打滑。The tyres bite into the snow and we were on our way.輪胎在雪地上咬住不打滑,我們繼續趕路。(線等)切入物體;(工具或武器)穿透物體: 例句:The drill bit well.這鑽頭好鑽。【垂釣】(魚)上鉤,吞餌: 例句:Are the fish biting today?今天魚來上鉤嗎?We have been waiting here for hours but the fish just aren't biting this morning.我們在這兒一連等了好幾個鐘頭,可是今天上午魚就是不來上鉤。The flies are biting today.今天假蠅招魚上鉤。(人)上當,受騙,中計,信以為真: 例句:She knew that was a mistake,but she bit anyway.她明知那裡是錯誤的,但是還是上當受騙了。腐蝕起有利(或不利)的作用,產生良好(或不良)影響: 例句:The company's measures are beginning to bite.公司的措施已初見成效。[口語]承認猜不中: 例句:I'll bite,what is it?我猜不出來,到底是什麼呀?[口語]表示感興趣: 例句:He was not interested in that plan,and I didn't bite either.他對那個方案不感興趣,我也毫無興趣。It was a pretty good offer, but he didn't bite.這是個很好的提議,但他不感興趣。[美國俚語]毫無價值;令人討厭具有吸引力,吸引人: 例句:「How was the concert?」 「It bit.」「音樂會怎麼樣?」「很吸引人。」n. 咬,叮,刺,螯刺痛,咬傷,叮傷,蜇傷;傷痛,傷痕刺激;(寒風)刺骨,針扎似的感覺(魚的)上鉤,咬餌,吞餌少量食物,一口食物食物便餐,快餐,小吃[口語]量不多的一頓飯;吃得匆忙的一頓飯[口語]點心咬下的一塊,一口咬下的東西;一口的量咬緊;釘牢;攫住(言詞等的)辛辣,尖刻,尖銳;感染力,說服力【機械學】 (工具等的)穿透(力);(車床夾盤等的)咬住(力)車刀;刨刀;切削刀;刀刃;刀頭;輥縫銼面,銼邊,(銼刀的)有齒面,(銼刀的)齒機械鏟的一滿鏟之量【牙科學】(上、下牙的)咬合(狀況);嚙合【印刷、蝕刻】酸腐蝕,(酸對蝕刻版的)腐蝕作用(在電台或電視台上播放的)聲明(或發言)的片斷(或簡要節錄),(訪談錄等播放時的)引言片斷,原話片段 (= sound bite)[口語] (被扣除的)一筆數目,從總數中扣除的一筆錢;欠款中的一份頑強粗暴[the b-][美國俚語]索價,要價,收費;花費,費用,代價[常用於短語put the bite on][古語] 騙子欺騙,欺詐,圈套短語: another (或a second) bite at the cherry = two bites at (或of) a (或the)cherry(be) bitten with 成癖,對…著迷bite and sup 飲食,食物與酒bite off more than one can chew. [美國口語]貪多嚼不爛;承擔力所不及的事,自不量力。Bite on that! [美國口語]費費腦筋吧!好好想想吧!have a bite(of) [口語]吃一點(東西)have neither bite nor sup 未飲未食jump the bite 【牙科學】矯正牙咬合make(或take)two bites at(或of)a cherry把一次可以完成的事分作兩次做均分微不足道的東西;一顆櫻桃分作兩口吃Once bit(或bitten),twice shy. [諺語]一次被咬,下次膽小。(或:一次上當,下次小心。)put the bite on[美國俚語]向…要(錢、禮物等),向…借錢,向…攤派捐款(或貸款),向…告貸向…敲竹槓;訛詐,威脅two bites at(或of)a(或the)cherry[口語][通常用在get,have,take,give等動詞後面]兩次機會,又一次機會婆婆媽媽,踟躕不前without bite or sup 未飲未食變形: bit , bitten或bit , biting

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