





n. decadence ,decadency ,devolution ,retrogression


n. development ,evolution


degeneration[di,dʒenə'reiʃən]n. 退化;變性;墮落;惡化


degeneration 退化;變性;變性,潰變;退化,變性;fibrinoid degeneration 纖維素樣變性;纖維蛋白樣變性;纖維素樣變性?;類纖維素變性;hydropic degeneration 水性腫脹(水樣變性);水樣變性;水性腫脹(水樣變性);水腫變性;macular degeneration 黃斑變性;視網膜黃斑變性疾病;黃斑退化;斑點退化;mucoid degeneration 黏液樣變性;粘液變性;粘液樣變性;


1.This leads to an insufficient supply of nutrients to the brain causing brain degeneration. 這會造成供應給頭腦的營養素不足而導致頭腦退化。

2.What speeds up the degeneration? Sun exposure. "The absolute worst thing you can do is sit in the sun, " he says. 什麼加速了這樣的老化?太陽下曝曬。「人們做的絕對最糟糕的事情就是去坐在太陽底下」他稱。

3.The degeneration of natural grassland has caused a series of problems of ecological economy in North China pasture. 我國北方牧區的天然草地發生了嚴重的退化,引發了一系列生態經濟問題。


congenital degeneration of saccule - 先天性球囊變性

congenital degeneration of membranous labyrinth - 先天性膜迷路變性

simple polypoid degeneration of nasal sinus - 單純性鼻竇息肉樣變性

primary degeneration of corpus callosum - 原發性胼胝體變性

primary optic atrophy; primary pigmentary degeneration of retina - 原發性視神經萎縮

degeneration cyst; evolution cyst - 變性囊腫

dihuang degeneration virus - 地黃退化病毒

vacuolar degeneration of basal cell - 基底細胞空泡變性

traumatic degeneration of pituitary gland - 外傷性垂體變性

progressive cerebral degeneration of infancy - 嬰兒進行性大腦變性

cystic degeneration of leiomyoma of uterus - 子宮平滑肌瘤囊性變

hyaline degeneration of leiomyoma of uterus - 子宮平滑肌瘤玻璃樣變

red degeneration of leiomyoma of uterus - 子宮平滑肌瘤紅色變性

fatty degeneration of leiomyoma of uterus - 子宮平滑肌瘤脂肪變

retrograde degeneration of leiomyoma of uterus - 子宮平滑肌瘤退行性變

myocardial degeneration disease - 心肌變性病

cardiomyoliposis; fatty degeneration of myocardium - 心肌脂肪變

infective degeneration of pituitary gland - 感染性垂體變性

infective degeneration of testis - 感染性睪丸變性

infective degeneration of adrenal - 感染性腎上腺變性

hyaline degeneration of conjunctiva - 玻璃樣結膜變性

mucoid degeneration of valve - 瓣膜粘液樣變性

hyaline degeneration of arteriole - 細胞動脈玻璃變

senile degeneration of brain - 老年性腦變性

degeneration of live cells - 肝細胞變性

ballooning degeneration of liver cells - 肝細胞氣球樣變

fatty degeneration of liver - 肝脂肪變性

hepatolenticular degeneration psychosis - 肝豆狀核變性精神病

degeneration of adrenal gland - 腎上腺變性

amyloid degeneration of adrenal - 腎上腺澱粉樣變

black degeneration of brain - 腦黑色變性

degeneration of lumbosacral intervertebral disc - 腰骶椎間盤變性

amyloid degeneration of tongue - 舌澱粉樣變性

degeneration of uveal tract - 葡萄膜退行性變

albuminoid degeneration; albuminous degeneration cloudy swelling - 蛋白樣變性

ballooning degeneration of epidermis - 表皮氣球樣變性

reticular degeneration of epidermis - 表皮網狀變性

cystoid degeneration of retina - 視網膜囊狀變性

cobblestone degeneration of retina - 視網膜大鵝卵石樣病變

lat tice degeneration of retina - 視網膜格樣變性

pigmentary degeneration of retina; retinitis pigmentosa; retinitispigmentosa - 視網膜色素變性

bandshaped degeneration of cornea - 角膜帶狀變性

corneal fatty degeneration of cornea - 角膜脂肪變性

granualr degeneration of cornea - 角膜顆粒狀變性

granular degeneration ofcornea - 顆粒狀角膜變性

degeneration of corpus luteum - 黃體退化

cystoid degeneration of macula - 黃斑部囊變性

cystic degeneration of sinus of nose - 鼻竇囊性變性


n.阿伯克龍比氏變性 - abercrombies degeneration

n.光化性彈性組織增生 - actinic elastoid degeneration

n.嗜酸變性 - acidophilic degeneration

n.腎上腺皮質變性 - adrenocortical degeneration

n.腺樣變性 - adenoidal degeneration

n.蛋白樣變性 - albuminoid degeneration

n.蛋白樣變性 - albuminous degeneration cloudy swelling

n.石棉樣變性 - amianthoid degeneration

n.阿伯克龍比氏變性,艾伯克龍比氏綜合征 - amyloid degeneration

n.腎上腺澱粉樣變 - amyloid degeneration of adrenal

n.舌澱粉樣變性 - amyloid degeneration of tongue

n.順行性跨神經元潰變 - anterograde degeneration

n.阿-歐二氏變性 - armanniegrilch degeneration

n.阿-歐二氏變性 - armarnni-ehrich degeneration

n.逆行性變性,逆行性潰變 - ascending degeneration

n.軸索變性 - axonal degeneration

n.氣球樣變 - ballooning degeneration

n.表皮氣球樣變性 - ballooning degeneration of epidermis

n.肝細胞氣球樣變 - ballooning degeneration of liver cells

n.角膜帶狀變性 - bandshaped degeneration of cornea

n.嗜鹼性變性 - basophilic degeneration

n.腦黑色變性 - black degeneration of brain

石灰變性 - calcareous degeneration

癌變性 - cancerous degeneration

癌變性 - carcinomatous degeneration

乾酪樣變性 - caseous degeneration

細胞退化,細胞變性 - cell degeneration

n.小腦皮質退化 - cerebellar cortical degeneration

n.小腦變性 - cerebellar degeneration

n.小腦皮質退化 - cerebellocortical degeneration

n.大腦黃斑變性,大腦視網膜變性 - cerebromacular degeneration

n.大腦黃斑變性,大腦視網膜變性 - cerebroretinal degeneration

n.絨膜退行性變性 - chorionkic retrograde degeneration

n.視網膜大鵝卵石樣病變 - cobblestone degeneration of retina

n.膠樣變性 - colloid degeneration

皮膚膠質樣變性,皮膚膠樣變性 - colloid degeneration of the skin

n.混合變性 - combined degeneration

n.完全變性反應 - complete reaction of degeneration

n.先天性膜迷路變性 - congenital degeneration of membranous labyrinth

n.先天性球囊變性 - congenital degeneration of saccule

n.先天性黃斑變性 - congenital macular degeneration

n.角膜變性 - corneal degeneration

n.角膜脂肪變性 - corneal fatty degeneration of cornea

n.角膜邊緣變性 - corneal marginal degeneration

n.皮質紋狀體脊髓變性 - cortico-striatal-spinal degeneration

n.皮層小腦變性 - corticocerebellar degeneration

n.篩狀變性 - cribriform degeneration

n.囊性變 - cystic degeneration

n.子宮平滑肌瘤囊性變 - cystic degeneration of leiomyoma of uterus

n.鼻竇囊性變性 - cystic degeneration of sinus of nose

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