diuabbr. 滴注尿路造影術(drip infusion urography);數字輸入器(Digital Input Unit)
DIU 第烏;德累斯頓國際大學;丟;單元;DIU DIU 小颩颩;diu tiu 享函兕 享 函 兕;tiu diu 享函兕;DIU DigitalInterworkingUnit 數字交互工作單元;
1.Also, how to define so-called "foul language"? the verb "Cao" in mandarin? or Shanghai dialect? or "Diu" in Cantonese? 再者,怎樣去界定「粗話」呢?是普通話裡那個「操」的動詞?還是上海話?還是廣東話的「屌」?
2.Everyone laughed, I said:咱quarters of people do not go out, and Diu Buqi this man ah, ha ha, like I once asked me: Which of Guizhou Province? 大家都笑,我說:咱宿舍人都別出門了,丟不起這人啊,哈哈,就像我曾經還問:貴州是哪個省的?
3.Although Diu Diu over drew a lot as well, she continued to go on, and encouraged Hong Se all the time, and sang songs to us, so her sweet singing encouraged all of us. 而丟丟雖然體力也透支很厲害,可依然努力的堅持著,還不斷的給烏托邦加油,還唱歌給我們聽,她的美妙的歌聲也是對我們對所有人振奮人心的鼓舞。