n. arthur laffer
lafferabbr.Louisiana French美國路易斯安那州人講的法語
Laffer 拉弗;Arthur Laffer 亞瑟 拉弗;Laffer Curve 拉弗曲線;拉菲曲線;拉佛曲線;拉法曲線;Philip Laffer 拉法先生;當菲利普·拉法;Arthur Bert Laffer 拉弗;阿瑟,·拉弗;阿瑟,·拉弗;
1.It is almost tempting to use as an analogy the Laffer Curve, which was popular for a while in so-called Reaganomics. 差不多與在裡根主義時代流行的拉費曲線理論類似。
2.Mr. Laffer seems panicked by a rapid rise in the monetary base, the sum of currency in circulation and the reserves of banks. 拉弗先生似乎被基礎貨幣(流通的貨幣總量和銀行的儲備金)快速增長的勢頭嚇唬住了。
3.I'm not an economist, and I hear that the theory has been by now discredited, so I really don't want to imply that the Laffer Cruve is fundamentally true in economics. 我不是經濟學家,並且我還聽說那個理論現在已經名聲掃地,所以我並沒有真的認為在經濟學里拉費曲線根本上是對的。