law-officer 法官;檢察總長;bands deemster gownsman judge judiciary justicer law-officer 法官;
1.He is a impartial and incorruptible law-officer. judge. 他是一名鐵面無私的法官。
2.The liability system of law-officer, is one of the important system in ancient China, also it is the basic administration law in ancient China. 司法官責任制度,是中國古代訴訟制度的一個重要組成部分,也是古代社會行政管理制度的基本內容之一。
3.The deficiency of law-officer in basic-level has gradually emerged since the establishment and implementation of National Judicial Examination System in 200
2. 2002年司法考試制度確立和實施以來,逐漸出現基層司法官斷檔等問題。