





cystic['sistik]adj. 囊的;膀胱的,膽囊的;胞囊的


cystic 胞囊的;膽囊的;囊狀;膀胱的;cystic change 囊性變;Cystic Lymphangioma 囊性淋巴管瘤;囊狀淋巴管瘤;囊性淋巴瘤;釋義:囊性淋巴管瘤,囊狀淋巴管瘤;cystic vein 膽囊靜脈;cystic conditions 膽囊炎 膀胱炎;


1.The study was funded in part by the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. 此項研究是由囊性纖維化基金會部分資助。

2.Objective: To study the relationship between cystic hyperplasia of endometrium after menopause and canceration. 目的:探討絕經後子宮內膜腺囊型增生與癌變的關係。

3.He and his wife, already parents of a child with cystic fibrosis, had gotten word that their second baby, due later this year, would almost certainly have Down syndrome. 他和他妻子已經有了一個患囊腫性纖維化症的孩子,又得知將於今年晚些時候出生的第二個孩子幾乎肯定患有唐氏綜合症。


papillary cystic adenoma; papkillary cystadenoma - 乳頭狀囊腺瘤

cystic disease of breast - 乳房囊性病

sweat gland cystic tumor of breast - 乳房汗腺囊瘤

cystic hyperplasia of breast - 乳腺囊性增生病

cystic hygroma - 先天性囊腫狀水瘤

congenital cystic disease of lung崑; congential pulmonary cyst - 先天性肺囊腫

cystic stage - 包囊期

adenoid cystic carcinoma of salivary gland - 唾液腺腺樣囊樣癌

cystic medial necrosis - 囊性中層壞死

cystic mastitis - 囊性乳腺炎

cystic degeneration - 囊性變

cystic basal-cell epithelioma - 囊性基底細胞上皮瘤

cystic hyperplasia - 囊性增生

cystic dilatation - 囊性擴張

cystic bronchiectasis - 囊性支氣管擴張

cystic infarct - 囊性梗塞

cystic lymphangioma; cysticlymphangioma - 囊性淋巴管瘤

cystic odontoma - 囊性牙瘤

cystic goiter - 囊性甲狀腺腫

cystic teratoma - 囊性畸胎瘤

cystic disease - 囊性病

cystic acne - 囊性痤瘡

cystic tumor - 囊性瘤

cystic pneumatosis - 囊性積氣

cystic fibrosis - 囊性纖維化

cystic fibrosis protein - 囊性纖維化蛋白質

cystic emphysema - 囊性肺氣腫

cystic mass - 囊性腫塊

cystic kidney - 囊腎

cystic shadow - 囊腫樣陰影

cystic epithelioma - 囊腫狀上皮瘤

cystic medial necrosis; medionecrosis of aorta - 囊腫狀中層壞死

cystic bronchiectasis; sacculated bronchiectasis - 囊腫狀支氣管擴張

cystic hygroma - 囊腫狀水瘤

resection of cystic hygroma - 囊腫狀水瘤切除術

cystic lymphangioma; cysticlymphangioma; lymphangioma cysticum - 囊腫狀淋巴管瘤

cystic fibrosis - 囊腫狀纖維化

cystic adenoepithelioma - 囊腫狀腺上皮瘤

cystic hyperplasia of endometrium - 子宮內膜囊性增生

cystic degeneration of leiomyoma of uterus - 子宮平滑肌瘤囊性變

familial cystic lymphangiec tasis - 家族性囊性淋巴管擴張症

cystic dilatation of bartholins glands - 巴氏腺囊性擴張

diffuse cystic mastopathy - 瀰漫性囊性乳腺病

chronic cystic mastopathy; chroniccysticmastopathy - 慢性乳房囊性病

chronic cystic mastitis - 慢性囊性乳腺炎

chronic cystic mastopathy; chroniccysticmastopathy - 慢性囊性乳腺病

mature cystic teratoma - 成熟囊性畸胎瘤

cystic adenoic carcinoma of bronchus - 支氣管囊性腺樣癌

adenoid cystic carcinoma of bronchus - 支氣管腺樣囊性癌

adenoid cystic carcinoma of trachea; cylindroma of trachea - 氣管圓柱瘤


n.腺樣囊性癌 - adenoic cystic carcinoma

囊性腺樣癌 - adenoid cystic carcinoma

n.支氣管腺樣囊性癌 - adenoid cystic carcinoma of bronchus

n.唾液腺腺樣囊樣癌 - adenoid cystic carcinoma of salivary gland

n.氣管腺樣囊性癌,氣管圓柱瘤 - adenoid cystic carcinoma of trachea

n.腺樣囊性癌 - adenoid cystic carxi noma

n.腺樣囊性上皮瘤 - adenoid cystic epithelioma

n.腺囊性增殖 - adenoid cystic hyperplasia

n.顱內囊腫性腫瘤吸引術 - aspiration of intracranial cystic tumor

n.良性囊性畸胎瘤,良性粘膜類天皰瘡 - benign cystic teratoma

n.膽囊管綜合征 - biliary cystic duct syndrome

n.膽囊管石 - calculus of cystic duct

慢性囊腫樣子宮頸炎 - chronic cystic cervicitis

n.慢性囊性乳腺炎 - chronic cystic mastitis

n.慢性囊性乳腺病,慢性乳房囊性病 - chronic cystic mastopathy

n.先天性肺囊腫 - congenital cystic disease of lung崑

類皮囊胞腫 - dermoid cystic tumour

n.瀰漫性囊性乳腺病 - diffuse cystic mastopathy

n.家族性囊性淋巴管擴張症 - familial cystic lymphangiec tasis

嬰兒膀胱淋巴管瘤 - infantile cystic lymphangioma

n.成熟囊性畸胎瘤 - mature cystic teratoma

n.腎髓質囊腫病,髓質囊性病 - medullary cystic disease

髓質囊腎 - medullary cystic kidney

多囊腎 - multiple cystic kidney

n.膽囊管梗阻 - obstruction of cystic duct

n.胰囊性纖維變性,胰囊性纖維病 - pancreatic cystic fibrosis

n.乳頭狀囊腺瘤 - papillary cystic adenoma

n.甲狀腺乳頭狀囊腺瘤 - papillary cystic adenoma of thyroid

n.肺囊性纖維化 - pulmonary cystic fibrosis

n.頸部囊狀淋巴管瘤切除術 - resection of cervical cystic lymphangioma

n.囊腫狀水瘤切除術 - resection of cystic hygroma

n.漿細胞性囊性癌 - serous cystic carcinoma

膽囊螺旋皺襞 - spiral fold of cystic duct

n.乳房汗腺囊瘤 - sweat gland cystic tumor of breast

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