dacha['dɑ:tʃə]n. 俄國的鄉間邸宅
dacha 俄別墅;郊外的別墅;Belovezhskaya Pushcha dacha 別洛韋日自然保護區夏季別墅;
1.So on a snowy Moscow day, our team left the city for the drive to Putin's presidential dacha. 那天莫斯科下著雪,我們團隊駕車離開這個城市去到總統郊外的別墅。
2.This involved a retreat to a country dacha or secluded library, there to write or grow vegetables and be isolated from the world beyond. 追求自由的人逃離到遠離都市的鄉村別墅或隱秘的圖書館,在那裡寫作、種菜與世隔絕。
3.At the end of the first part, for example, a dacha neighbour of ours came up to the stage with flowers, and after the concert someone gave me a big toy car. 我記得一些細節,但都不是音樂方面的,比如,第一章節結束時,我家一個鄰居登台來獻花,還有,音樂會之後,有人送了我個玩具汽車。