n. confederacy ,confederate states ,confederate states of america ,dixieland
dixien. 美國南部各州adj. 美國南部
Dixie 迪克師;迪克斯;露營用大鍋;美國南部諸州的俗稱;Dixie Knight 南天武士;Dixie Union 年公司;Dixie County 迪克西縣;迪克西縣 (佛羅里達州);Tourland Dixie 傳統爵士樂;南方爵士樂;
1.The concluding air was "Dixie, " and as the exhilarating notes tumbled forth they were almost overpowered by a great clapping of hands from almost every table. 結束的曲調是「迪克西」,振奮人心的樂曲加快時,幾乎被張張桌子的人們鼓掌聲所淹沒。
2.The Dixie Chicks had a career slump after lead singer Natalie Maines criticized President Bush on the eve of the war in Iraq and upset many of the group's fans. 鄉村組合南方小雞自主昌N,在伊拉克戰爭前夕,因批評布什歌唱事業跌到了低谷,令許多他們的歌迷憂心忡忡。
3.The group Hayseed Dixie are known for performing covers of hard rock songs, by artists such as Motorhead, in the banjo-heavy style of country music known as "bluegrass". 「南方鄉巴佬」組合就是因為使用了那種名曰「藍草」、側重於班卓琴演奏的鄉村音樂風格來翻唱硬搖歌曲(如「摩托頭樂隊」等藝人的歌曲)而成名的。