





a. through ,through with


done[dʌn]adj. 完成了;做好了的;煮熟的;合乎禮儀的v. 做(do 的過去分詞)


Done 完成;妥當的;完成了;已完成;have done 現在完成時;完成式;完成時;現在完成式;damage done 造成的損壞;損害賠償條款;造成的損害;已發生損毀;done with 完畢;幹完什麼事不想幹了;done in 累壞的;


1.Do as you would be done by. 沒有做不到滴,只有不敢想滴。

2.Damn you! See what you have done. 該死!看看你們都做了些什麼!

3.Boy! What have I done? What luck! 天啊!我到底做了什麼?真倒霉!


I know about how business is done here. - 我認為這方面比較在行。

Have you ever done any work in this field? - 你曾經幹過這一行嗎?

Have you ever done any correspondence work? - 你有處理文書的經驗嗎?

Have you ever done supervisory work? - 你擔任過管理工作嗎?

I manage my time perfectly so that I can always get things done on time. - 我很會利用時間,因此總能準時完成工作。

There are three things that have to be done first, Harry. - 首先我們必須做三件事, Harry。

We have done so much - 我們已做了這麼多的事

I shouldn't have done that. - 我不該那麼做。

We should have done it sooner. - 我們早就該取下來的。

that I never could have done this book - 我不可能完成這本書

What do you call this? A tow year old child could have done a better job! - 你是怎麼回事?就連兩歲的孩子都可以比這做得更好!

I can see that you've done this before. - 我發覺你曾幹過此事。

She won't be happy when she sees what you've done with your hair. - 當她看到你將頭髮搞成這個樣了了,就高興不起來了。

Thanks a million, Mr. Lee, for what you have done for me. - 非常感謝你為我所做的一切。

You've done a wonderful job. - 你做得真棒!

Do I have to get it done by noon? - 我必須在中午以前做完嗎?

I can see what needs to be done and do it. - 我能瞭解該做什麼並切實去做。

I like to see a job done quickly. - 我喜歡速戰速決。

I will have done it by the time you come back. - 在你回來之前,我會做完它。[將來完成時,表示將完成…,會做完…]

He hasn't done any worthwhile work in five years. - 這五年來他沒做過一件正經事。

Yes, but I'd rather not have done it. - 是的,但我寧可沒有這樣做。

What would you have done last night if you hadn't had to study? - 如果昨晚你不必學習你會做什麼?

Has your company done any research in this field? - 請問貴公司對此範疇做了任何研究嗎?

Yes, we have done a little. But we have just started and have nothing to show you. - 有,我們做了一些,但是因為我們才剛起步,並沒有任何資料可以提供給你們。

You've done me a great favour. - 您幫了我大忙。

I don't know what I should have done without your help. - 要不是您的幫助,我真不知道該怎麼辦。

Well done! Bond, you've done it! - 好極了!邦德,幹得好!

They are curious about what I've done with my time. - 他們希望知道我一個人在做什麼。

A work ill done must be twice done. - 未做好的活,需要重新做。

Affairs that are done by due degrees are soon ended. - 事情要安步就班地做,就會很快地做完。

All things are easy that are done willingly. - 做事樂意,諸事容易。

Don't put off till tomorrow what should be done today. - 今日事,今日畢。

He dies like a beast who has done no good while he lived. - 生時不做好事,死了像個畜生。

He who has done ill once will do it again. - 幹了一次壞事的人會再干第二次。

If things were to be done twice all would be wise. - 事事倘能做兩次,人人都可稱明智。

Never put off till tomorrow what may be done today. - 今日事,今日畢。

Nothing must be done hastily but killing of fleas. - 除非消滅跳蚤,做事不必急躁。

What I have done is due to patient thought. - 我的成就是由於堅忍地思索。

What is done by night appears by day. - 若要人不知,除非己莫為。

What may be done at any time will be done at no time. - 在任何時候都可做的事情,總是在任何時候都不做的事情。

Whatever man has done man may do. - 天下無難事。

What's done by night appears by day. - 若要人不知,除非己莫為。

What's done can't be undone. - 無可挽回。 潑水難收?

Without method, little can be done to any good purpose. - 不講究方法,辦事就沒有成效。

Why are you so mean? I've never done anything to you. - 凶什麼凶? 我又沒得罪你。

Something must be done about it. - 必須得想個辦法。

I had been asked to drive in heavy traffic and had done so successfully. - 按照要求在車輛擁擠的路上駕駛,我圓滿地完成了。

He himself has done it lots of times! - 他自己就已戒了很多次了!

Farm labourers said that they always woke up to find that work had been done overnight. - 雇工們說,常常一早起來發現有人在夜裡把活幹了,

We might say that justice has been done when a man's innocence or guilt has been proved beyond doubt. - 當某人被證據確鑿地證明無罪的時候,我們也許會說正義得到了伸張。


what have you done to your hand - 你的手怎麼傷的


n.你的手怎麼傷的 - what have you done to your hand

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