Lansing 蘭辛;劉 欣;辛市;蘭辛市;Alfred Lansing 爾弗雷德·蘭辛;雷德藍星;Altec Lansing 奧特藍星;奧特·藍星;奧特蘭星;劇院之聲;Bltec Lansing 奧特藍星;John Lansing 約翰·蘭辛;
1.The last dinner in our trip back at E. Lansing in this interesting and lovely Mexican restaurant. 我們旅程最後的一頓豐盛晚餐在這間有趣的墨西哥餐廳。
2.A city of south-central Michigan, a residential suburb of Lansing. It is the seat of Michigan State University (founded 1855). Population, 50, 67
7. 東蘭辛美國密歇根州中南部一城市,是蘭辛的市郊住宅區,也是密歇根州立大學的校址(該校建於1855年)。人口50,677。
3.The only other people who even knew what he'd proposed were his wife and the secretary of state, Robert Lansing, who first revealed it in his posthumously published memoirs in 193
5. 只有其他人誰也知道他會提出了他的妻子和國務卿羅伯特蘭辛,誰第一個發現在他死後出版的回憶錄於1935年。
4.Altec Lansing T515 Bluetooth wireless speaker system – the first speaker systems developed for the exploding convergence of music-enabled cell phones and wireless audio streaming. 奧特T515的藍牙無線揚聲器系統-第一揚聲器系統開發的爆炸收斂的音樂功能的手機和無線音頻流。
lansing virus - 藍辛病毒