v. contend ,debate ,indicate ,reason
argue['ɑɡju:]vi. 爭論,辯論;提出理由vt. 辯論,爭論;證明;說服
argue 爭論;爭辯;主張;批評;argue about 爭論;議論某事;為……而爭吵;辯論[爭論]某事;argue into 勸使做某事;勸(某人)使做某事;argue vi 爭論;argue down 駁倒某人;駁倒;
1.to argue for(或against) a proposed law 辯論贊成(或反對)某法律草案
2.It is only the intellectually lost who ever argue. 歡喜小冤家:「爭論者損失的只是智力。」
3.It takes two to argue, but it only takes one to stop an argument. 爭論一定要兩個人才能引發,但停止爭論只需一個人即可做到。
I can't argue with that. - 我覺得不錯。
Don't try and argue with her, women are all the same. - 不要和她吵,所有的女人都是一樣的。
I won't argue with you,but I think you're being unfair. - 我不會與你爭論,但是我認為你不公平。
To argue with the opponent about the principles - 和反對者爭論基本事項
and I will argue with him, as an equal, if I think he is wrong. - 如果我認為他們錯了,我就以平等的身份和他們爭個明白。
It is useless to argue with the mind in this condition. - 在這種情況下,你和頭腦爭吵讓它鬆手是無濟於事的。
I don't want to argue about it any more. - 我不想為這件事再和你爭吵。
That's not true. I don't want to argue about it any more. Anyhow, I'll see you next week. - 不是這樣的。我不想為這件事再和你爭吵。無論如何,我下星期會見你的。
It is useless trying to argue with Shylock. - 跟夏洛克講理是沒有用的。