





scrotum['skrəutəm]n. 〔解〕陰囊


scrotum 陰囊;陰囊;陰囊:;Scrotum Examination 陰囊觸診;陰囊觸診(男);bilobate scrotum 雙葉陰囊;hematoma scrotum 釋義:陰囊血腫;fibrosis scrotum 釋義:陰囊纖維變性;


1.Juvenile gangrenous vasculitis of the scrotum: Is it a variant of pyoderma gangrenosum? 青少年陰囊壞疽性血管炎:壞疽性膿皮病的一種變異型?

2.The region between the scrotum and the anus in males, and between the posterior vulva junction and the anus in females. 會陰男性陰''。'囊'。''和肛''。'門'。''間的部分,女性臀部與陰戶結合處與肛''。'門'。''間的部分。

3.Objective:To discuss the ultrasonic image characteristics and the clinical applied value of ultrasound in scrotum disease. 目的:探討陰囊病變的超聲圖像特徵及對陰囊病變的臨床應用價值。


chronic scrotum infection - 慢性陰囊感染

scrotum tumor - 陰囊腫瘤


n.陰囊膿腫 - abscess of scrotum

n.陰囊放線菌病 - actinomycosis of scrotum

n.急性阻囊感染 - acute infection of scrotum

n.陰囊撕脫傷 - avulsion of scrotum

n.外腎吊痛 - bearing-down pain of scrotum

n.陰囊鈣化性皮脂腺囊腫 - calcified sebaceous cyst of scrotum

n.陰囊癌 - carcinoma of scrotum

n.陰囊蜂窩織炎 - cellulitis of scrotum

n.慢性陰囊感染 - chronic scrotum infection

n.陰囊乳糜囊腫 - chylocele of scrotum

n.圓餅形陰囊 - circumcresent cake-like scrotum

n.陰囊裂 - cleft scrotum

n.陰囊挫傷 - contusion of scrotum

n.陰囊畸形 - deformity of scrotum

n.繡球風 - dermatitis of scrotum

n.腎囊風 - dermatitis of the scrotum

n.陰囊皮樣囊腫 - dermoid cyst of scrotum

n.陰囊移位 - displacement of scrotum

n.陰囊下墜感 - dragging sensation in scrotum

n.陰囊水腫 - edema of scrotum

n.陰囊異位 - ectopia of scrotum

n.陰囊濕疹 - eczema of scrotum

n.陰囊皮脂腺瘤 - edbaceous adenoma of scrotum

n.陰莖陰囊象皮病 - elephantiasis of penis and scrotum

n.陰囊凍傷 - frostbite of scrotum

n.陰囊癤 - furuncle of scrotum

n.陰囊壞疽 - gangrene of scrotum

n.陰囊血管瘤 - hemangioma of scrotum

n.陰囊發育不全 - hypoplasia of scrotum

n.陰囊切開引流術 - incision and drainage of scrotum

n.外腎腫硬 - indurated swelling of scrotum

n.陰囊角化囊腫 - keratinous cyst of scrotum

n.陰囊脂肪瘤 - lipoma of scrotum

n.淋巴引流 - lymph scrotum

n.陰囊壞死 - necrosis of scrotum

n.傷破陰子 - open wound or rupture of the scrotum

n.陰囊氣瘤 - pneumatocele of scrotum

n.陰莖前陰囊 - prepenile scrotum

n.陰囊縫 - raphe of scrotum

n.陰囊皮脂腺囊腫 - sebaceous cyst of scrotum

n.陰囊中隔 - septum of scrotum

n.囊縮 - shrinkage of the scrotum

n.陰莖陰囊皮膚撕脫 - skin avulsion of penis and scrotum

n.陰囊鱗狀細胞癌 - squamous cell carcinoma of scrotum

n.陰囊皮下氣腫 - subcutaneous emphysema of scrotum

n.頹疝 - swelling of the scrotum

n.陰囊透照法 - transillumination of scrotum

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