





v. time


clock[klɔk]n. 時鐘;計時器vt. 記錄;記時vi. 打卡;記錄時間


clock 時鐘;管理系統時鐘;顯示系統時鐘;設置時間時鐘;electric clock 電鐘;電子鐘;釋義:電鐘,電計時器;電鐘=>電氣時計;CLK clock 時鐘信號;時鐘;clock frequency 時鐘頻率;時鐘脈衝頻率;節拍頻率;時鐘節拍頻率;speedometer clock 速度表;


1.I clocked him while he ran 10,000 metres. 他跑萬米時我給他計時。

2.Why do we say a clock is shy? 為什麼我們說一個鐘錶是害羞的?

3.The chime clock ticks away on the shelf. 自鳴鐘在擱板上滴答滴答地響著。


A grandfather clock would look great in the den. - 休息室裡放一座落地鍾會很漂亮的。

When the clock strikes twelve at midnight. - 當午夜十二點的鐘聲敲響時。

I used to set my alarm clock for exactly 7 a.m. - 我過去常將鬧鐘調為上午7點整。

You can never turn the clock back. - 時光不能倒流。

She really wishes her clock had rung. - 她真希望今天早上她的鬧鐘響了。

Had it not been for the alarm clock she wouldn't have been late. - 如果不是因為鬧鐘不響的話,她就不會遲到了。

Fifteen minutes passed and then, at five to twelve, the clock stopped. - 15分鐘過去了,而就在11點55分時,大鐘停了。

Suddenly someone shouted.'It's two minutes past twelve! The clock has stopped!' - 「已經12點零2分了!那鍾已經停了!」

The big clock refused to welcome the New Year. - 那座大鐘不願意迎接新年。

the famous clock which can be heard all over the world on the B.B.C. - 即那座從英國廣播公司的廣播中全世界都可以聽到它的聲音的著名大鐘。

If the Houses of Parliament had not been burned down in 1834, the great clock would never have been erected. - 如果不是國會大廈在1834年被焚燬的話,這座大鐘永遠也不會建造。

Big Ben takes its name from Sir Benjamin Hall who was responsible for the making of the clock when the new Houses of Parliament were being built. - 「大本」鍾得名於本傑明。霍爾爵士,因為當建造新的國會大廈時,他負責建造大鐘。

Officials from Greenwich Observatory have the clock checked twice a day. - 格林尼治天文台的官員們每天兩次派人矯正此鐘。

On the B.B.C. you can hear the clock when it is actually striking because microphones are connected to the clock tower. - 當大鐘打點的時候,你可以從英國廣播公司的廣播中聽到,因為鍾塔上接了麥克風。

but he has never managed to get enough money to have the church clock repaired. - 但始終未能籌足資金把教堂的鍾修好。

The big clock which used to strike the hours day and night was damaged many years ago and has been silent ever since. - 教堂的鍾很大,以前不分晝夜打點報時,但很多年前遭到毀壞,從此便無聲無息了。

One night, however, our vicar work up with a start: the clock was striking the hours! - 一天夜裡,我們的牧師突然被驚醒了,大鐘又在「打點」報時了!

Armed with a torch, the vicar went up into the clock tower to see what was going on. - 牧師拿著一支電筒走上鐘樓想去看看究竟發生了什麼事情。

You can join the line behind the clock tower. - 你可以到鐘樓後面排隊。


n.人體時鐘,生物鐘 - biological clock

n.數字鍾 - digital clock

妊娠鍾 - fertility clock

生理時鐘 - physiological clock

n.脈率計 - pulse clock

n.可變頻率時鐘 - variable frequency clock


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