fremdnessn. 外國;陌生
fremdness 外國;
1.Maybe this moment of the next year, I will leave this city, leave all my friends to a fremdness. 也許明年,此時此刻,我會離開背井離鄉,離朋友遠去陌生的國度。
2.The paper will particularly illuminate creation of finishing cutting, development of finishing cutting, present application of finishing cutting in homeland and fremdness. 精切代磨技術就是在此背景下產生並得到迅速發展,本文詳細論述了其產生、發展及目前國內外的應用情況。
3.So people begin to thrash out the way of traffic crowding and jamming, now fremdness have developed intelligent system which measure the flux of vehicle to implement traffic command. 於是人們開始研究解決交通擁擠、堵塞問題的方法,現在國外已發展了通過監測車流量來實現交通指揮的智能系統。