samite['sæmait, 'sei-]n. 錦繡,中世紀時的一種錦繡
samite 六股絲錦緞;錦繡;薩米特;Samite Elder 撒姆尼長者;examitum samite 六股絲錦緞;Samite Healer 撒姆尼人的醫療員;Samite Pilgrim 撒姆尼朝聖客;
1.ZhongGuanCun has high-tech electron, samite earth has content to flow, wuhan smooth cereal has photoelectron information science. 中關村有高科技電子,錦繡大地有物流,武漢光谷有光電子信息科學。
2.So many farmer is deceived centrally so at Hainan samite, prime cause is making old standard of " of " order agriculture greatly at nobbler. 如此多農戶之所以如此集中地受騙於海南錦繡,根本原因在 於詐騙者大打「訂單農業」大旗。
3.Not untill this time did I realize that such love is not so dolor, for it has no worldly involvement, no long-winded succession, no gingerbready samite, and no muddy water. 這時候,也方才明白:原來這樣的愛並不悲哀。沒有塵世的牽拌,沒有囉嗦的尾巴,沒有俗艷的錦繡,也沒有渾濁的泥汁。