suckered['sʌkə]n. 吸管;乳兒;易受騙的人vi. 成為吸根;長出根出條vt. 從……除去吸根
1.Don't get suckered by big growth stories. 別被高增長故事愚弄。
2.The hedge-fund manager says he didn't view the insurance-related trades as particularly risky and now says he feels 'suckered. 這家基金的經理表示,此前他並不覺得這類保險相關交易的風險特別大,但他現在覺得自己是「上當受騙」了。
3.It's not impossible, but if he does, you can be sure it will be only as a last resort for Buss, and not because he gets suckered in a trade. 這也不是不可能的。但是,如果他真的這麼做了,你可以肯定的是,這是巴斯萬不得已的選擇。並不是因為他在交易中上當。