gasoiln. 輕油;氣油
gasoil 輕油、氣油;粗柴油 氣體油 汽油;粗柴油 氣體油 汽油;輕油(介於煤油和潤滑油之間的石油油類);gasoil horizon 氣油界面;gasoil separation plant 油氣分離站;
1.Biomarker is one of the most effective tools in the study of oil-source correlation gas-oil maturity and gasoil migration. 生物標誌化合物是油氣油源、成熟度、運移等領域研究中的一項得力工具。
2.SMDS Gasoil has excellent combustion properties with exceptionally high cetane number and flash point, negligible sulphur and aromatics. 意思是這種柴油具有優異的燃燒性能,具有特別高的十六烷值以及閃點,幾乎不含硫和芳香烴。
3.During the process of drilling, gasoil at great pressure may suddenly be met, if this rushes outcatches fire, the oil well may never be brought into operation at all. 在鑽探過程中,巨大的壓力,可能會突然碰上氣和油,而油氣噴出來並著了火,此油井便可能永遠無法啟用。