





rabbet rabbet joint scarf scarf joint 嵌接;rabbet rabbet joint scarf scarf joint 嵌接;combination pliers with slip joint slip joint pliers 鯉魚鉗;universal joint cross universal joint spider 萬向節十字頭;universal joint cross universal joint spider 萬向節十字頭;


1.Formation center tester(FCT) is made up of hydraulic power joint, double PACKER joint, opposing infuse joint, numeric pump exhausting joint, sensor joint and sampling tube joint. 鑽井油氣層測試器是由液壓動力短節、雙PACKER短節、反向注入短節、數字泵抽短節、傳感器短節和取樣筒短節組成的。

2.The shoulder is a complex joint which consists of sternoclavicular joint, clavicle, acromioclavicular joint, scapula, glenohumeral joint, proximal humerus and scapulothoracic joint. 肩關節是由胸鎖關節、骨、鎖關節、胛骨、肱關節、骨近端以及肩胛胸壁關節共同組成的複雜結構。

3.The material choice, moulding method, joint principle and shape design of hinge joint, hasp joint, clamp joint and press fit joint of normal plastics were introduced. 介紹常用塑料鉸鏈聯接、搭扣聯接、卡夾聯接、壓力裝配聯接的聯接件材料選擇、成型方法、聯接原理、形狀設計等。

4.The material choice, moulding method, joint principle and shape design of hinge joint, hasp joint, clamp joint and press fit joint of normal plastics were introduced. 介紹常用塑料鉸鏈聯接、搭扣聯接、卡夾聯接、壓力裝配聯接的聯接件材料選擇、成型方法、聯接原理、形狀設計等。

5.Because the ideal "rigid joint" and "hinged joint" are inexistent, the stiffness of any connection types is between ideal rigid joint and hinged joint. 因為理想的剛節點和鉸接點是不存在的,任何連接形式的剛度都是介於理想剛接和完全鉸接之間的。


And we hope to have joint venture with your company. - 我希望同貴公司進行合資經營。

We are quite interested in the joint venture. - 我們對合資經營很感興趣。

Sure. We are thinking of a joint venture with you in selling Chinese arts. - 當然。我們正在考慮和你們公司合資經營一起賣中國工藝品。

We have new methods like compensation trade and joint ventrue. - 我們有補償貿易和合資經營。

I think a joint venture would be beneficial to us both. - 我認為合資經營對雙方都是有利的。

We have new methods like compensation trade and joint ventrue. - 我們有補償貿易和合資經營。

I think a joint venture would be beneficial to both of us . - 我認為合資經營對雙方都是有利的。


mandibular joint syndrome - 下頜關節綜合征

joint prosthesis - 人工關節

artificial joint replacement; prosthetic replacement for joint - 人工關節代替術

artificial joint replacement; prosthetic replacement for joint - 人工關節置換術

congenital enarthrosis joint of ankle - 先天性杵媳臼踝關節

joint reduction - 入臼

total joint replacement - 全關節置換術

total knee joint replacement - 全膝關節置換術

articular needling; joint needling; joint puncture - 關刺

joint position sense - 關節位置覺

anterior joint dislocation - 關節前脫位

n. knuckle joint press - 關節壓花機

joint deformity - 關節變形

capsula articularis; joint capsule - 關節囊

extra articular arthrodesis joint antkylosis - 關節外固定術

arthresthesia; joint sensibility - 關節感覺

joint scanning agent - 關節掃瞄劑

joint imaging - 關節顯像

joint fluid; synovia; synovial fluid - 關節液

joint bodies; joint mouse - 關節游離體

excision of joint mouse - 關節游離體摘除術

arthropathy; arthrosis; joint disease - 關節病

joint tuberculosis - 關節結核

joint fusion - 關節融合術

full rang of joint movement - 關節運動的最大範圍

joint space - 關節間隙

joint leorosy - 關節麻風

joint bodies; joint mouse - 關節鼠

n. cruciform joint weld cracking test - 十字接頭焊接抗裂試驗

n. cruciform joint weld cracking test - 十字接頭焊縫抗裂試驗

degenerative joint disease; hypertrophic arthritis; hypertrophicarthritis - 變性性關節病

n. lack of joint penetration - 同穿缺乏

dislocation of cricothyroid joint of larynx - 喉壞甲關節脫位

n. multipoint welded joint test specimen - 多點焊連接試驗樣品

n. complete joint penetration - 完全接頭焊透層

n. complete joint penetration - 完全接頭熔深

n. complete joint penetration - 完全連接熔透

articulatio carpometacarpea pollicis; carpometacarpal joint of thumb - 拇指腕掌關節

joint of dental forceps - 拔牙鉗關節

sprain of phalangeal joint of hand - 指關節扭傷

dislocation of interphalangeal joint of hand - 指關節脫位

arthrodesis of interphalangeal joint of hand - 指間關節固定術

sprain of interphalangeal joint of hand - 指間關節扭傷

dislocation of interphalangeal joint of hand - 指間關節脫位

metacarpophalangeal joint dislocation - 掌指關節脫位

n. joint system - 接合系統

n. joint set - 接合裝置

n. joint penetration - 接頭熔深

n. joint efficiency - 接縫效率

n. new ceramics joint coupler - 新陶瓷連接器


n.髖關節外展 - abduction of the hip joint

n.異常假關節活動 - abnormalmovement of false joint

n.關節膿腫 - abscess of joint

n.關節音圖 - acoustigram of joint

n.肩鎖關節 - acromioclavicular joint

n.急性腰骶關節扭傷 - acute sprain of lumbo-sacral joint

n.急性骶髂關節扭傷 - acute sprain of sacro-iliacx joint

n.急性肩關節滑膜炎 - acute synovitis of shoulder joint

n.踝關節 - ankle joint

顳頜關節強直症 - ankylosis of temporomandibular joint

n.關節前脫位 - anterior joint dislocation

n.擋閃出 - anterior-medial dislocation of the hip joint

n.肘關節穿刺術 - arthrocentesis of elbow joint

n.膝關節穿刺術 - arthrocentesis of knee joint

n.指間關節固定術 - arthrodesis of interphalangeal joint of hand

n.膝瘍,游膝風 - arthroncus of knee joint like that of the crane

n.趾間關節成形術 - arthroplasty of interphalangeal joint

n.下頜關節關節成形術 - arthroplasty of temporomandibular joint

n.肘關節切開引流術 - arthrotomy and drainage of elbow joint

n.人工肘關節 - artificial elbow joint

n.人工髖關節 - artificial hip joint

人造關節 - artificial joint

人工關節用材料 - artificial joint material

n.人工關節代替術,人工關節置換術 - artificial joint replacement

n.人工膝關節 - artificial knee joint

人工膝關節置換術 - artificial knee joint placement technique

n.人工肩關節 - artificial shoulder joint

寰枕關節 - atlantooccipital joint

n.膝蜂窩織炎 - beat of knee joint

雙髁關節 - bicondylar joint

n.出血性關節 - bleeders joint

骨關節病 - bone and joint disease

n.骨癆 - bone and joint tuberculosis

n.布羅迪氏關節 - brodies joint

n.對接 - butt joint

跟骰關節 - calcaneocuboid joint

腕掌關節 - carpometacarpal joint

n.拇指腕掌關節 - carpometacarpal joint of thumb

n.軟骨性關節 - cartilaginous joint

n.肖帕爾氏關節 - choparts joint

n.蝸狀關節 - cochlear joint

n.關節彈響 - clicking of joint

n.關節寒性膿腫 - cold abscess of joint

髁關節 - condylar joint

n.關節全脫位 - complete dislocation of joint

復合關節 - compound joint

n.膝關節加壓融合術 - compression fusion of knee joint

n.先天性髖關節後脫位 - congenital backward dislocation of hip joint

n.膝關節先天性盤狀軟骨 - congenital discoid cartilage of knee joint

n.先天性髖關節脫位,先天性髖脫臼 - congenital dislocation of hip joint

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