lowsn. 低頻
lows 釋義:低頻;低頻;低落;rising lows 低點上升;Highs and Lows 高處與低處;起起落落;快樂和沮喪。;高潮與低谷;Tourist Lows and Regulations 旅遊法原理與實務;THEHIGH-LOWS 真島昌利;
1.Highs and lows are just part of it, but that is good because that is how I can develop. 顛峰和低谷只是其中的一部分,但這樣的好處就是我要想方設法取得提高。
2.The ratio is beginning to rise from the extreme lows as gold is now rising faster than oil, and this will likely continue as the ratio normalizes. 由於金價的上升比石油來得快,這比率已經從最低點開始往上升,這上升的趨勢將會繼續,直至兩者的比率趨於正常。
3.Is it any wonder that a place which inspires such passion, such ultimate in highs and lows would also be a place that some souls find difficult to leave, even after death? 這樣一個地方,如此地激發著人們的熱情,有著極度的尊貴,也有著極度的貧賤,如果說一些人即使死了也不願意離開,哪又有什麼可奇怪的呢?