Marmaran. (希臘)馬爾馬拉
Marmara Whige 白玉紋;Marmara White 直紋白;土耳其 - 大理石;Marmara Sea 馬爾馬拉海;Marmara University 馬爾馬拉大學;marmara hotel 馬爾馬拉酒店;
1.The Mediterranean contract currently has 17 approved brands and delivery points in the Marmara region of Turkey and in Dubai. 交割可以有17種規格,地中海合約的交割地點在土耳其的馬拉馬海附近和迪拜;
2.The largest city of Turkey, in the northwest part of the country on both sides of the Bosporus at its entrance into the Sea of Marmara. 伊斯坦布爾,君士坦丁堡:土耳其最大的城市,位於該國的西北部、博斯普魯斯海峽的兩岸、馬爾馬拉海的入口處。
3.Icy Sea of Marmara blocked vessels forward step by step, so it's ribs in each Gegezuoxiang, it seems that the whole ship's Hengmu will be dismantled by. 冰冷的馬爾馬拉海步步攔阻輪船前進,因此它的每一根肋骨都在格格作響,似乎全船的橫木都將被拆散了。