presaged['presidʒ, pri'seidʒ]n. 預感;前兆vt. 預感;預言vi. 預示;預言
1.DISCOVERY in 1977 presaged that something might be wrong with the established view of genomic programming. 1977年的一項發現,預言了目前眾人接受的基因運作觀點可能有問題。
2.The volume of "Poems" which appeared a year previously hardly presaged the disordered work that was to follow. 在《荒原》發表前一年問世的《詩選》絕對不會預示繼之而來的是這樣一不「雜亂無章」的作品。
3.Holmes's methods presaged many actual techniques for linking physical evidence to the perpetrator of a crime, such as blood testing. 福爾摩斯利用物質證據(physicalevidence,亦稱物證)追查犯罪者的方法,例如檢驗血液,許多後來都成為真實的辦案技術。