Varian Associates 瓦裡安聯合公司;瓦裡安公司;Russell and Sigurd Varian 瓦裡安兄弟;Varian 美國瓦裡安;范裡安;美國瓦裡安公司;多變的;Varian Wrynn 瓦立安·烏瑞恩;人安度因·懷恩;瓦裡安·烏瑞恩;Varian Associates 瓦裡安聯合公司;瓦裡安公司;
1.King Varian Wrynn says: Perhaps. I doubt the effectiveness of this gambit. We would be better served preparing our armies for the final assault. 國王瓦裡安·烏瑞恩:也許。我不確定這樣子會不會起到作用。我們應大概讓我們的軍隊準備好進行最後的進攻。
2."I thank you, " Varian said, though his lower lip trembled slightly. 「感謝您,」瓦裡安回答道,他的嘴唇還是有點發抖。
3.You may have some questions about how this will affect you and your interactions with Varian from now forward. 就此次收購將對您以及今後和瓦裡安的合作所產生的影響,您可能會有些問題。
4.Shapiro, Carl, and Hal R. Varian. Information Rules: A Strategic Guide to the Network Economy. Boston, Mass. : Harvard Business School Press, 199
9. (Recommended, but not required. 《信息規則:網絡經濟的策略指導》,馬薩諸塞州波士頓哈佛商學院出版社1999年版(推薦,但非必需)。
5.In between the two world wars, and Masi Nie Gounod's opera staged here often, people can often hear well-known soprano Ninon varian, Marjorie Lawrence and Qiaozhidier tenor voice. 在兩次世界大戰之間,古諾和馬斯涅的歌劇經常在這裡上演,人們經常可以聽到著名女高音尼農·瓦蘭、瑪喬裡·勞倫斯和男高音喬治·蒂爾的聲音。