forkful['fɔ:kful]n. 一叉的量
forkful 一叉的量;
1.Share your food with your partner. When you go out for a meal, hold a forkful up to her mouth and say, "You've got to try this. "" 一起來分享食物。當你們吃飯的時候,把一叉子食物送到她嘴邊說:「這你一定喜歡吃」
2.She had to lift up the long black face-veil that hung from above her nose every time she wanted to transfer a forkful of food into her mouth. 每次她想要把一勺食物送到嘴裡時,都要把從鼻子上方垂下的長長的黑色面紗撩起來。
3.Mammy stood beside the table, watching every forkful that traveled from plate to mouth, as though she intended to force the food down Ellen's throat should she see signs of flagging. 嬤嬤站在餐桌旁,觀望著一叉叉食品從盤子裡送到愛倫口中,彷彿只要她發現有點 遲疑的 跡象,便要強迫將這些吃的塞進愛倫的喉嚨裡。