





his[hiz, ॼ౩z]pron. 他的


HIS Hospital Information System;他的;組氨酸;Hightech InformATion System Limited;his friend 他的朋友;他朋友;HIS DOG 狗兒萊德;狗兒萊德;his number 說你現在孤單一人;說妳現在孤單一人;his cousin 他的表弟;他的表妹;他的堂弟;他的表兄弟,表姐妹;


1.He is a bother to his teacher. 他是一個令他老師煩惱的人。

2.He began his class with a joke. 他用一個玩笑開始了他的課。

3.I can assure you of his honesty. 我可以向你保證他是誠實的。


That's fine. I'll await his return call. - 很好。我會等他的來電。

Great. I believe you must care for his educations. - 太好了。我相信你肯定很關心他的教育吧。

And his name and the date are on the bottom. - 他的名字和日期都在下面。

Were you here last time on his birthday party? - 上次你有沒有參加他的生日舞會?

Oh, yes. Are his models here? - 噢 ,對啦。 他的模型在這裡嗎?

Mr. Harry Bennett and his daughter. - Harry Bennett先生和他女兒。

I made a lunch date with him and his daughter weeks ago. - 幾星期前我約好和他以及他女兒共進午餐。

Well, he's here with his daughter to have lunch. - 嗯, 他和他女兒已到這裡等吃午餐了。

When he came to the States five years ago, he had only forty dollars in his pocket. - 五年前他來美國時,口袋裡只有40美元。

Now he's got his own trading company. Ann told me he made four million dollars last year. - 現在他已有自己的貿易公司。安告訴我他去年賺了400萬美元。

Mr. Marker and his wife have invited me to a Christmas dinner. - 馬克先生和他妻子邀請我吃聖誕晚宴。

Scene: Tom and his wife have invited Carl and David for dinner. - 場景:湯姆和他夫人邀請卡爾和大衛吃晚飯。

(looking at his calendar) Oh, next Friday is May 4th. - (正在看著日曆)哦,下週五是五月四號了。

He's not faithful to his wife. - 他對他的妻子不忠。

He's cheating on his wife. - 他對妻子不忠。

His wife just found out about his mistress. - 他的妻子剛剛發現了他有外遇。

He's 20 kilos overweight for his height. - 就他的身高而言,他的體重超了20公斤。

Your brother left his bag of film on the ferryboat. - 你哥哥將他的旅行袋遺放在渡船上了。

It was his first date in two years. - 這是他兩年來第一次約會。

You know I'm very excited about his arrival. - 知道我對他的到來是多麼興奮。

A son and his wife and their three children--my grandchildren. - 有個兒子, 還有兒媳婦以及他們的三個孩子,我的孫兒女們。

It was on his birthday, June second, two years ago. - 是在他生日那天。兩年前的六月二日。

And Dad saved his life. - 爸爸救了他的命。

I love his music. - 我喜歡他的作品。

I want to welcome Harry and his daughter Michelle - 我想對Harry和他女兒Michelle

Each in his own way. - 每個人用自己的方式來表達。

No, she doesn't know Harry Bennett and his daughter Michelle. - 不,她不認識Harry Bennett和他女兒Michelle。

You know, man's best friend is his dog. - 你知道的,類最好的朋友就是狗。

I need to fit a fourth operation into his schedule. - 我得在他的工作表上再加第四個手術。

Carl will be perfectly fine after we remove his tonsils. - 切除扁桃腺之後,Carl會完全恢復健康的。

And he's agreed to fit you into his schedule. - 他同意明天把你安排進他的面談名單裡 。

and his interview was very successful. - 他的面談很成功。

I'm his friend. - 我是他的朋友。

and Philip was opening his first medical office. - 而Philip則第一次開診所。

He actually took me to meet his foreman. - 事實上他帶著我去見他的工頭。

He's always made me feel like his own daughter. - 他總是讓我覺得我是他的親生女兒。

and to see Max asleep in his bassinet at home with us. - 真高興看到Max和我們一起 ,睡在家裡的搖籃。

The M-A-X over his bassinet. - 搖籃上的MAX字樣。

Grandpa really loves his family, doesn't he? - 爺爺確實很愛這個家, 是嗎?

With his name on it--Max. - 有他的名字在上面 Max"。

Like his father. A real Stewart. - 像他爸爸一樣。一個真正的Stewart家成員。

And very good-looking, like his mother. - 也很漂亮 ,像他媽媽。

and wrote to his wife Martha. - 給他妻子Martha寫信。

to spend a weekend with him at his farm. - 去他的農場跟他一起渡個週末。

to live with my son and his family. - 和我兒子和他的家人住在一起。

Seven after nine? No. I'm sure he's in his office. - 九點零七分 ,不會太早的。我肯定他到辦公室了。

for his ten o'clock appointment with you. - 等著十點鐘與你的晤談。

Everybody in Riverdale reads his paper. - Riverdale的每個人都看他的報紙。

Is he still in his office? - 他還在辦公室嗎?

He often fails to keep his word. - 他常常不遵守諾言。


His hearing is very sharp - 他聽覺靈敏

his arm ached badly - 他手臂疼得厲害

his fingers tingled with the cold - 他的手指凍得剌痛

his nose bleeds badly - 他的鼻子流血過多

He felt his heart beating wildly - 他覺得心在猛跳

his isthmus; isthmus of his; rhombencephalic isthmus; rhombencepnalic ixthmus - 希斯氏峽

his bundle electrogram - 希氏束心電圖

his bundle electro-gram - 房室束電圖

illness blighted his health - 疾病摧殘了他的身體

a man in his green old age - 童老者


n.童老者 - a man in his green old age

n.肯-希二氏束,希氏束;His束 - bundle of his

n.希斯氏管 - duct of his

n.他覺得心在猛跳 - He felt his heart beating wildly

n.疾病摧殘了他的身體 - illness blighted his health

n.希斯氏峽 - isthmus of his


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