midnight['midnait]n. 午夜,半夜12點鐘adj. 半夜的;漆黑的
Midnight 午夜;半夜,午夜;漆黑;子夜;Midnight Motion 午夜行動;夜影闌珊;午夜狂歡;午夜;Midnight Movie 午夜電影;午夜場的電影;Midnight Fly 慌心假期;慌心假期 - 唐醫生;midnight bottle 午夜空瓶;華麗搖滾;
1.Do you work at midnight? 你是否需要午夜工作?
2.I can feel the wound of my heart until(till) midnight. 我可以感覺到我心上的傷口,直到午夜時分。
3.We leave Dover at ten and we should be across in France by midnight. 十點鐘離開多佛的話,我們午夜時分可以到達對面的法國。
What do we do for a midnight snack? - 我們夜宵吃點什麼?
He is burning the midnight oil. - 他在挑燈夜讀。
She takes her exams next week, so she's burning the midnight oil. - 她下周要考試,所以在開夜車。
At twelve o'clock midnight people blow horns, yell, and kiss each other to welcome in the New Year. - 到了午夜十二點,大家都吹吹喇叭、高聲喊叫、相互接吻來慶祝新年。
One hour's sleep before midnight is worth three after. - 午夜前睡一小時抵得上午夜後睡三小時。
I even went out at midnight with a torch and noted with satisfaction (and surprise) that the ants were still swarming around the sticky tape without being able to do anything about it. - 半夜,我還拿著電筒來到花園裡,滿意地(同時驚奇地)發現那些螞蟻還圍著膠帶團團轉。無能為力。
In a heat wave we choose a midnight birthday party and that is the most exciting of all. - 天氣炎熱時,我們便選擇在半夜舉辦生日聚會,這種聚會是最令人激動的。
midnight moon - 子午