v. polish ,shine ,smooth out ,smoothena. bland ,fluent ,legato ,placid
v. roughena. disconnected ,jolting ,rough ,unsmooth
smooth[smu:ð]adj. 順利的;光滑的;平穩的vt. 使光滑;消除(障礙等);使優雅;緩和n. 平滑部分;一塊平地vi. 變平靜;變平滑adv. 光滑地;平穩地;流暢地
Smooth 光滑;平滑編輯器;平滑的;流暢;smooth over 調停,平息;掩飾;消除;使(問題)緩解;Smooth kit 平滑;smooth transition 平穩過渡;順利過渡;平滑轉換;平穩過渡-----;smooth curve 平滑曲線;修勻曲線;光滑曲線;圓滑曲線;
1.Smooth your behaviour with your girlfriend. 在和你的女朋友相處時,你得文雅一些。
2.Smooth this dress with an iron. 用熨斗把這件衣服燙平。
3.The waves lashed the smooth cliff. 波浪沖擊著光滑的峭壁。
A smooth sea never made a skillful mariner. - 平靜的海洋練不出熟練的水手。
The sides of the dish were so smooth that it was almost impossible to attach hawsers and chains to the rim without damaging it. - 盤子四邊十分光滑,要在盤邊拴上繩索或鏈條而同時又不損壞它是很難辦到的。
The journey is so smooth that there is nothing to prevent you from reading or sleeping. - 旅途平穩,絲毫不妨礙你閱讀或睡眠。
OK. We can get some more tomorrow. We should finish the floor now. Can you take the other end of this piece of wood? Now you have to pull it to make the surface smooth like that. - 好吧。我們明天再多買些。現在我們應該把地板弄好。你能抓住木板的另一端嗎?現在你要來回拉動木板,使它的表面像那塊兒木板一樣光滑。
furshed tongue; uncoated and smooth tongue - 光剝舌
herb of smooth ranched supplejack; little leaf supplejack; littleleaf supolejack - 光枝勾兒茶
a smooth cheek - 光潔
capsulated virulent; smooth; smooth type - 光滑型
smooth microsome - 光滑微粒體
smooth strin - 光滑菌株
smooth colony - 光滑菌落
bald tongue; smooth tongue - 光舌
smooth surfaced endoplasmic reticulum - 光面內質網
smooth surfaced microsome - 光面微粒體
multi-unit smooth muscle - 多單位平滑肌
uterine smooth muscle - 子宮平滑肌
smooth type - 平滑型
smooth muscle - 平滑肌
smooth muscle fibril - 平滑肌原纖維
proliferation of smooth muscle - 平滑肌增生
smooth muscle layer - 平滑肌層
smooth muscle antibody - 平滑肌抗體
involuntary muscular fibers; smooth muscle fibers; unstriated fibers - 平滑肌纖維
smooth muscle cell - 平滑肌細胞
action potential of smooth muscle celis - 平滑肌細胞動作電位
smooth surface caries - 平滑面齲
smooth broach - 平滑髓針
sma; smooth muscle antibody - 抗平滑肌抗體
smooth forceps - 無鉤鑷
smooth stomach clamps - 無齒胃鉗
smooth forceps - 無齒鑷
a smooth cheek - 沒有鬍髯的臉
smooth endoplasmic reticulum; smooth surfaced endoplasmic reticulum - 滑面內質網
n. smooth blasting - 煙爆炸
taut and rapid or smooth and rapid pulse - 脈弦數或滑數
vascular smooth muscle - 血管平滑肌
n.光潔,沒有鬍髯的臉 - a smooth cheek
n.平滑肌細胞動作電位 - action potential of smooth muscle celis
平滑肌肌電圖 - electromyogram of smooth muscle
n.光枝勾兒茶 - herb of smooth ranched supplejack
n.多單位平滑肌 - multi-unit smooth muscle
n.平滑肌增生 - proliferation of smooth muscle
n.脈弦數或滑數 - taut and rapid or smooth and rapid pulse
n.光剝舌 - uncoated and smooth tongue
n.子宮平滑肌 - uterine smooth muscle
n.血管平滑肌 - vascular smooth muscle
vasucular smooth muscle - vasucular smooth muscle