uncatalogued 未列入目錄的;uncatalogued file 未編目文件;
1.The Amazon rain forest, the world's largest is thought to contain at least 30 percent of all plant and animal species on the planet, most of them uncatalogued. 全球最大的叢林亞馬遜,包含了地球上至少30%的動植物物種,其中大部分還不為人類所知。
2.Chinese dealers and collectors have been quick to recognise how much porcelain, jade and cloisonne there still is in private French collections, much of it unknown and uncatalogued. 中國的賣家或者買家會迅速判斷出那裡還有多少件青花瓷、玉石或者是景泰藍仍屬於法國收藏家私人所有,大部分都不為人知或者未列入目錄。