Keynesianismn. 凱恩斯理論;凱恩斯學說
keynesianism 凱恩斯主義;凱恩斯理論;凱因斯主義;凱恩斯學派;Bastard Keynesianism 雜牌凱恩斯主義;anti Keynesianism 反凱恩斯主義;China's Keynesianism 中國的凱恩斯主義;
1.Instead, it's time to announce Keynesianism's failure, time to announce the emperor Lord Keynes has no clothes. 「想法,現在是時候宣告凱恩斯理論的失敗,是時候宣告凱恩斯皇帝沒有新裝」。
2.Yet the story of economics over the past half century is, to a large degree, the story of a retreat from Keynesianism and a return to neoclassicism. 然而,在過去半個世紀裡的經濟學史,在很大程度上,就是一個從凱恩斯主義撤退和對新古典主義回歸的經濟學史。
3.The basis and focus of the Keynesianism economy is "the principle of virtual value". One of his general logics is that moderate inflation stimulates consumption. 凱恩斯經濟學的基礎和核心是「有效需求原理」,其「一般邏輯」之一是用適度通貨膨脹刺激消費。