ashikagan. 足利(地名,日本本州島中部城市)
Ashikaga 足利;足利市;Ashikaga Yoshimitsu 足利義滿;將軍足利義滿;足利義滿;Ashikaga Takauji 足利尊氏;Ashikaga Yoshinori 足利義教;Ashikaga Yoshiharu 足利義晴;
1.for all practical purposes, the Hosokawa family was in charge and the Ashikaga shoguns because their puppets. 為了自己的利益,細川家掌握了幕府的實權,而足利將軍不過是個傀儡罷了。
2.Japan, too, gets a big boost. S&P gives its single largest upgrade to Ashikaga Bank in Japan, which is already being nursed back to health by the government. 日本在這方面也獲得了高分,標準普爾將它唯一的「最快升級」名額給了日本的足利銀行,這家銀行最近在政府的照料下起死回生了。
3.ChuoAoyama had also audited Ashikaga Bank, a big regional bank in trouble with Japan's Financial Services Agency (FSA) for cooking its books to conceal its insolvency. 中央青山也為足利銀行(Ashikaga)做過審計,這家區域性大銀行由於利用偽造賬目來隱瞞其無力償還的債務而受到日本金融廳(FSA)的盤查。