permo-treatment 滲透處理,浸透處理;Permo-carboniferous period 石炭二疊紀;石炭二迭紀;Permo-Carboniferous 石炭二疊紀;石炭二迭過渡期;石炭上迭紀;Permo-carboniferous system 石炭二疊系;石炭二迭系;Permo-Carboniferous era 石炭二疊紀;石炭二迭紀;
1.Liu Yanxue. Hu Baolin. Zhang Fushun. Xue Guanghua Feature of micro-fabric of Permo-Carboniferious sandstone in Tong er well field of Fengfeng mining area, Hebei province 2003(1 劉燕學。胡寶林。張福順。薛光華河北省峰峰礦區通二井田石炭系-二疊系砂岩顯微組構特徵分析[期刊論文]-地質科學2003(1。
2.Sedimentary characteristics, facies and system of Permo-carboniferous System in Jiyang Depression has been studied in detail and the division of stratigraphical sequences has been set out. 詳細研究了濟陽坳陷石炭—二疊系沉積特徵、沉積相、沉積體系,進行了層序地層劃分。研究表明,濟陽坳陷上石炭統主要發育障壁—瀉湖沉積體系,這與魯西地區有較大的差異。
3.There is widespread coal seam of Permo-Carboniferous in Jiyang Depression. The coal has good quality, moderate evolution degree resulted in the foundation of forming medium coal-derived gas reservoir. 濟陽坳陷石炭-二疊系煤層分佈廣泛,煤質優良,演化程度適中,具有形成中型煤成氣藏的基礎。