





septum['septəm]n. [生]隔膜;隔板


septum 隔膜;中隔;(隔膜):在細胞中部形成的物質,在分裂週期末能將細胞分成兩個子細胞。;隔壁;interatrial septum 房間隔;耳間隔;心耳間隔;心房間隔;septum dissector 鼻中隔剝離器;interalveolar septum 牙槽間隔;齒槽間隔,肺泡間隔;electrostatic septum 靜電隔極;


1.My nose did nasal septum correctional art, had left hospital now, when can you just restore previously? 我鼻子做了鼻中隔矯正術,現在已經出院,什麼時候才能恢復到以前?

2.Background—Serious congenital heart defects occur as a result of improper atrioventricular septum (AVS) development during embryogenesis. 背景—胚胎生長時期房室間隔發育不良會導致嚴重的先天性心臟缺損。

3.Methods Introcular lens with iridal septum was implanted into 20 eyes of 18 cases with injurious cataract accompanied by iridocoloboma or aniridia. 方法採用植入帶虹膜膈人工晶體治療18例20眼無虹膜或虹膜缺損的外傷性白內障患者。


septum excision - 中隔切除術

septum mucosa needle - 中隔縫針

anterior septum speculum - 前鼻中隔鏡

septum primum - 原發隔

septum transversum - 原始橫隔

double action nasal septum rongeur - 雙關節鼻中隔咬骨鉗

posterior septum; septum posticum - 後隔

septum of cervix - 子宮頸隔

interventricular septum; septum interventriculare cordis - 室中隔

interventricular septum; intraventricular septum; septum interventriculare - 室間隔

anterior crural intermuscular septum; septum intermusculare anterius cruris - 小腿前肌間隔

posterior crural intermuscular septum; septum intermusculare posterius cruris - 小腿後肌間隔

septum ventriculorum cordis; ventricular septum - 心室間隔

atrial septum; septum atriorum - 心房間隔

atrial septum; interaurcular septum; septum interatriale - 房間隔

rectovesical septum; septum rectovesicale; tyrrells fascia - 提勒爾氏筋膜

septum transversum - 橫隔

septum corporum cavernosorum - 海綿體中隔

rectovesical septum; septum rectovesicale - 直腸膀胱隔

rectovaginal septum; septum rectovaginale - 直腸陰道隔

orbital septum; septum orbitale - 眶隔

first septum; septum primum - 第一房間隔

septum secundum - 第二房間隔

second septum; septum secundum - 第二隔

medial intermuscular septum of thigh; septum intermusculare femoris mediale - 股內側肌間隔

lateral intermuscular septum of thigh; septum intermusculare femoris laterale - 股外側肌間隔

femoral septum; septum femorale - 股環隔

dorsal median septum; septum medianus dorsale - 背側正中隔

medial intermuscular septum of arm; septum intermusculare brachii mediale - 臂內側肌間隔

lateral intermuscular septum of arm; septum intermuculare brachii laterale - 臂外側肌間隔

lingual septum; septum linguae - 舌中隔

septum of sphenoidal sinus; septum sinuum sphenoidalium - 蝶竇中隔

precommissural septum; septum precommissurale - 連合前隔

pellucid septum; septum pellucidum - 透明隔

anterior vein of septum pellucidum; veana septipellucidi anterior - 透明隔前靜脈

posterior vein of septum pellucidum - 透明隔後靜脈

lamina of septum pellucidum; lamina septi pellucidi - 透明隔板

septum of scrotum; septum scroti - 陰囊中隔

septum of penis; septum penis - 陰莖中隔

septum glandis; septum of glans penis - 陰莖頭中隔

transverse septum of vagina; transverse vaginal septum - 陰道橫膈

incision of transvese septum of vagina - 陰道橫膈切開術

exoision of transverse septum of vagina - 陰道橫膈切除術

septum of vagina - 陰道隔

incision of septum of vagina - 陰道隔切開術

septum injector - 隔片注射器

septum of frontal sinuses; septum sinuum frontalium - 額竇中隔

bony septum of nose; septum nasi osseum - 骨性鼻中隔

bony nasal septum; septum nasi osseum - 骨鼻中膈

nasal sepdtum; septum nasi - 鼻中隔


牙槽間隔,牙間隔 - alveolar septum

n.心室間隔動脈瘤 - aneurysm of interventricular septum

n.小腿前肌間隔 - anterior crural intermuscular septum

n.前鼻中隔鏡 - anterior septum speculum

n.透明隔前靜脈 - anterior vein of septum pellucidum

n.鼻中隔前下出血區 - anteroinferior bleeding area of nasal septum

主動脈肺動脈中隔 - aorticopulmonary septum

n.房間隔,心房間隔 - atrial septum

房室隔 - atrioventricular septum

n.房室隔 - auriculoventricular septum

n.室間隔底部 - base of ventricular septum

n.骨鼻中膈 - bony nasal septum

n.骨性鼻中隔 - bony septum of nose

n.室間隔支 - branches of interventricular septum

心中隔 - cardiac septum

透明中隔腔 - cavity of septum pellucidum

透明中隔腔 - cavity of translucent septum

n.洩殖腔隔 - cloacal septum

n.先天性鼻中隔偏曲 - congenital deflection of nasal septum

n.室間隔膜部缺損 - defect of membranous septum

n.鼻中隔偏曲 - dedviation of nasal septum

鼻中隔偏移 - deflected septum

n.鼻中隔彎曲 - deviation of nasal septum

鼻中 - deviation of the nasal septum

n.背側正中隔,背正中隔 - dorsal median septum

n.雙關節鼻中隔咬骨鉗 - double action nasal septum rongeur

n.鼻中隔引流術 - draingage of nasal septum

n.陰道直腸隔子宮內膜異位 - endometriosis of rectovaginal septum

n.陰道橫膈切除術 - exoision of transverse septum of vagina

n.鐮狀隔膜 - falciform septum

n.股環隔 - femoral septum

n.纖維間隔 - fibrous septum

n.第一房間隔 - first septum

懸垂鼻中隔 - hanging septum

n.鼻中隔血腫 - hematoma of nasal septum

n.陰道給隔切除術 - incision of longitudinal vaginal septum

n.陰道隔切開術 - incision of septum of vagina

n.陰道橫膈切開術 - incision of transvese septum of vagina

n.子宮縱隔切除術 - incision of uterine septum

n.感染性鼻中隔偏曲 - infective deflection of nasal septum

槽間隔,肺泡間隔 - interalveolar septum

心房間隔 - interatrial septum

n.房間隔 - interaurcular septum

心房間隔 - interauricular septum

鰓間隔 - interbranchial septum

n.葉間隔 - interlobar septum

n.小葉間隔 - interlobular septum

n.溪谷 - intermuscular septum

n.室間隔,室中隔 - interventricular septum

n.室間隔 - intraventricular septum

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