v. advise ,hint ,indicate ,intimate
v. contraindicate
Suggest[sə'dʒest, səɡ-]vt. 提議,建議;啟發;使人想起
suggest 建議,提出(意見,計劃)等;建議;提議;暗示;recommend suggest 建議,要求;建議;Tag Suggest 輸入自動提示標籤;glamp suggest 布紋線;suggest improvement 提出 改進;
1.The specialist suggested that children should not eat too much sugar. 專家建議兒童不該吃太多的食糖。
2.I suggest you do what we say. 我建議妳按照我們說的去做。
3.Can you suggest something to see? 能建議我去看些什麼嗎?
Allow me to suggest an alternative. - 讓我提個其他的建議吧。
I suggest you give her a call straight away. - 我建議你立即打個電話給她。
I suggest that we go climb White Cloud Mountain tomorrow. - 我建議明天一起去爬白雲山。
If you'd like to hear some new English songs, I suggest you download them from the web. - 如果你想聽一些新的英文歌,我建議你上網下載。
I suggest that you tear up the letter and start over again. - 我建議你把信撕掉重新再寫。
But I suggest you complete your education first. - 但是我建議你首先完成你的學業。
I suggest that you tear up the letter and start over again. - 我建議你撕破信再來一遍。
I would like to suggest that we take a coffee break. - 我建議我們休息一下喝杯咖啡。
Let me suggest we take a break. - 我建議我們休息一下。
I suggest that you did not catch the 8 o'clock train, - 您乘的不是8點鐘的火車,
He may gently reprimand an official or even suggest to parliament that a law the altered. - 他可以善意地批評某位官員,也可以甚至向議會提議修改某項法律。
I suggest you go up to our next higher price level. - 我建議您採用我們價格再高一級的貨
I would suggest that you use this material instead of that. - 我建議你改用這種替代那種。
I would like to suggest that we take a coffee break. - 我建議我們休息一下喝杯咖啡。
Well, have you considered using the lab in your free class? I suggest you ask Mr. Wu. - 噢,你是否考慮過在自習課上利用這個實驗室?我建議你問問吳先生。
I suggest we go shopping together and look for a nice tank. - 我建議我們一塊去買,找個好看的水箱。
Yes. I suggest taking a lot of vinegar. - 是的。我建議多帶些醋。
I suggest that we ask users of this machine what they think about it. We can photograph them using it too. Then we can put their comments at the top of the advertisement in big print. We can bring in some humour too. People enjoy reading humorous ads. - 我建議我們徵詢計算機用戶的意見。我們也可以把他們使用計算機的情形拍成照片。然後我們把他們的意見用粗體字印在廣告上面。我們還可以加入一些幽默故事。人們喜歡幽默的廣告。
I've got three weeks altogether. What do you suggest I see? - 我總共有三周時間。你建議我看些什麼呢?
Well, I suggest you see some of our national parks. - 那麼,我建議你參觀一下我們的國家公園。
I suggest you take a tent. - 我建議你帶上一個帳篷。