Amortisation of intangible assets 無形資產攤銷;Intangible Assets 無形資產;無形財產;無形資產;名義資產;aeriform bodiless immaterial intangible invisible unbodied 無形的;aeriform bodiless immaterial intangible invisible unbodied 無形的;intangible chattels 無形動產;
1.Explain the methods of depreciation and amortisation used for the main fixed and intangible assets. 解釋用於主要固定及無形資產的折舊及攤銷方法。
2.The estimated useful lives and amortisation method of the intangible assets with finite useful life are reviewed, and adjusted if appropriate, at each financial year-end. 對使用壽命有限的無形資產的預計使用壽命及攤銷方法於每年年度終了進行覆核並作適當調整。
3.Patent and other intangible assets are initially recorded at actual cost, and amortised using the straight-line method less than 10 years generally. 專利權及其他無形資產按實際支付的價款入賬,一般採用直線法按小於10年平均攤銷。
4.However, the purpose of this analysis is to try and quantify some of the more intangible aspects of defense. 但是,這個分析的目的就是想要嘗試這量化更多的對防守有所幫助的無形的因素。
5.Conceptually, organization costs are an intangible asset that will benefit the corporation over its entire life. 從概念上講,開辦費是一項無形資產,它將使公司在其整個存續期受益。